If you not a ridah, refrain from voting for ambitionz as one
I won’t deny it
what kendrick song could even win against ambitionz
Maad City could do numbers
Sing about me too
Ambitionz Az A Ridah gotta be the hardest intro ever man
I listen to that s*** like once a week
Ambitionz Az A Ridah gotta be the hardest intro ever man
I listen to that s*** like once a week
i wont deny it
im straight @ryder
Cmon that song goes crazy in Vz
not beating ambitionz
Only close round would be
Many Men vz Ambitionz
The inevitable hit em up vs NLU round gonna be crazy
Man why do the people want this so bad….
Cmon that song goes crazy in Vz
Yea but ambitionz as a ridah is a super classic
I probably wouldn’t vote any Kendrick song over that, not to discredit Kendrick at all
@Kdogone and u putting the songs in the op as u go? could be the best host in the history of this s***