KTT will vote Mike Dean to win cause Kanye is my prediction
Yeah but Mike Dean could win against many producers off the strength of his pre-Kanye stuff alone
@Tubig @SwilloLoubeaux have fun
10 Min!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mans procrastinated and gotta do my taxes but we in here
Just ask for an extension this is important
@saveme @Trouble @twinkletoez @AllisonXO @YungPapi @TheTheoryIsYou @Mmm_Hmm tf where all the hype men at ??????
there we go
We finna get rounds with like 6 votes
Those r the best vz
@saveme @Trouble @twinkletoez @AllisonXO @YungPapi @TheTheoryIsYou @Mmm_Hmm tf where all the hype men at ??????
This a pretty late on
there we go
@Hndrxx_Free not being here is an abomination
Only thing I’ll give Vibe credit for was that it was smart to do the Frank Weeknd Vz on Sunday. 2nd busiest Vz I’ve seen after Kendrick Vz Drake.
it will be 15 Rounds and
Swillo will be going first
First 3 Rounds ill have at 3 min to let some peeps get in this bih
then well speed up from there