I’m not I just wanted to thank you guys since y’all are here,
Dana is just kidding, love. I'm glad you're back and feeling better
Would yall voted for this
of course
Wesley didn't participate, host, vote, post, and at the end we still got a speech
Lol bruises chill😭😭
Ignore him Wes. We all fam here
Bro came in to thank everyone for supporting him and then got instantly s***ted on
Would yall voted for this
I had Hard geared up for this but I'm sure it still would've loss
I had Hard geared up for this but I'm sure it still would've loss
i think it's adorable that you always type loss when you mean to type lost
I had Hard geared up for this but I'm sure it still would've loss
i didnt use Live Your Life because i know u were gonna use Hard
Honestly i threw that song i knew Put On was gonna win lol
i think it's adorable that you always type loss when you mean to type lost
i think it's adorable that you always type loss when you mean to type lost
I hate it
Would yall voted for this
never was a big fan of this song but never was a big fan of jeezy either so idk
i didnt use Live Your Life because i know u were gonna use Hard
Honestly i threw that song i knew Put On was gonna win lol
There's a couple songs that I wanted to play as counters. I have Love in the Club for My Love but I wasn't sure if you were gonna use it. Good call listening to the audience. Saveme got you that W
i think it's adorable that you always type loss when you mean to type lost
Hndrxx stupid ass rubbing off on her
never was a big fan of this song but never was a big fan of jeezy either so idk
(Jeezy laughing at u)
now i understand why he wanted a fresh start as anakin
Wait thats bmass???
I don't think that's true