Ball vz Ballin
don't start no s*** won't be no s***
if i ever used that just give the match to allison on god
I like that song:(
Bro came in to thank everyone for supporting him and then got instantly s***ted on
Comes with the territory
Did they play upper echelon
There's a hidden art to burning your food
That's why woman are supposed to be in the kitchen
you niggas can coddle him all you want i'm giving him that tough love
This is why you're papa. Tough but loving
I waited until after the battle to thank you. It would’ve been more inconsiderate if I had done that right in the middle of the Vz
Freak his old ass
I like that song:(
i like the beat and tip on it but Eminem on that song i just cant
That's why woman are supposed to be in the kitchen
@Extraterrestrial @saveme
I waited until after the battle to thank you. It would’ve been more inconsiderate if I had done that right in the middle of the Vz
Tough Love Teef
They wanted to keep this strictly tailored for the 30 and up crowd
the ktt2 premium subscribers
That's why woman are supposed to be in the kitchen
@Extraterrestrial @saveme
this was more of an old school vz
You played all about the money
Tired of the lies itt