when did yall plan this
if it wasnt for the @ i wouldnt even know this existed
Hndrxx the OP clearly states SUPRISE MUFUCKAS
I’m taking that auntie
Let’s all post out favorite three 6ix songs
UGK more like BooGK
Rounds will be 1m 30 seconds to accommodate the homie @sizz ’s schedule so pick a side and don’t sit on your votes
They don’t want us to have a bigger pool than Kanye
Rounds will be 1m 30 seconds to accommodate the homie @sizz ’s schedule so pick a side and don’t sit on your votes
ty ty appreciate it if some are tight we can let them sit a bit
I love pump faking like Imma participate then leaving when it starts
ty ty appreciate it if some are tight we can let them sit a bit
15 mins to get ready would be appreciated
when did yall plan this
if it wasnt for the @ i wouldnt even know this existed
technically we started a year ago