Folks in here acting like No Air isn’t one of the most recognizable and constantly-referenced songs from the 2000s
Folks in here acting like No Air isn’t one of the most recognizable and constantly-referenced songs from the 2000s
Not better than Nice & Slow. Chris and I are two years a part with me being older than him. That song was very successful but anything Confessions and before should beat it.
Anyway KTT has a generational gap so I always keep that in mind. Fun vz regardless.
Not better than Nice & Slow. Chris and I are two years a part with me being older than him. That song was very successful but anything Confessions and before should beat it.
Anyway KTT has a generational gap so I always keep that in mind. Fun vz regardless.
I’m a late-90s baby and Chris has just always been so clear of Usher to me. They’re just different though.
I think Chris has much more versatility and raw talent but Usher is a very calculated artist who surrounds himself with the best people. They could use each other right now honestly😂
No way lmfao
Usher has now been defeated by both Nappy Boy and Pretty Boy on here. The generational gap is real
Usher has now been defeated by both Nappy Boy and Pretty Boy on here. The generational gap is real
Average age of a KTT2 user has to be 20
Average age of a KTT2 user has to be 20
That's why I don't care. Lmao. The songs with Thug, Nicki and Bieber could have been played but I shouldn't have to. I played most of his best singles.
Why didn't u let it marinate?
It I come out of retirement Kodak will not be hosting
It I come out of retirement Kodak will not be hosting
good luck finding a host 🙄