i can hardly take this site seriously sometimes man and then i see s*** like that and realize that i'm either too old for this forum bullshit or maybe i'm out of touch..
and where the f*** is abhi//dijon on this list???? do u niggas even music
I’m 20 and sometimes I feel too old for this forum lmao
TLOP really #7 bro.. y’all are out your f***ing minds
its a great album, maybe not anyones favorite but most Ye fans enjoy it
its a great album, maybe not anyones favorite but most Ye fans enjoy it
I never said it wasn’t good. I don’t even like Kanye like that anymore and I still love a lot of TLOP but #7 of the entire decade?? NAH
Damn KTT has some trash taste
Also how is LIR2 not on this list while LUVvsW is
because LIR2 sucks ass
no thugger girls?
def one of my top but i didn't submit a list.
surprising it didn't know show up at all
kacey has a higher career average on metacritic than kanye... probably because she didn't plague her discography with a 7-track pinterest-graphic-inspired dud or an entry level clickbait faux religious awakening record - but her average was still higher before those came out. makes you think about who the real genius is! Stream Golden Hour
kacey has a higher career average on metacritic than kanye... probably because she didn't plague her discography with a 7-track pinterest-graphic-inspired dud or an entry level clickbait faux religious awakening record - but her average was still higher before those came out. makes you think about who the real genius is! Stream Golden Hour
name to post ratio is off the charts
@THE_FILLMORE where's the thread you made before this one
the voting one