If you’re gonna hate on this list, at least post your own pussies
coming soon to a ktt2 near u....
Hope you’re doing lovely grimes
back at u <<<3
coming soon to a ktt2 near u....
cant wait to see 1000 gecs get the top 5 of the decade placement it rightfully deserves
cant wait to see 1000 gecs get the top 5 of the decade placement it rightfully deserves
mans gonna have lady gaga in his top 15 or someshit
mans gonna have lady gaga in his top 15 or someshit
Would be real af if he did
Would be real af if he did
he definitely would and that would make his list trash
he definitely would and that would make his list trash
Stream Artpop 💅🙄
i like gaga but cmon
artpop is mediocre
Nah born to die and Joanne are mid though
i love kesha too but she aint making my top lists
Kesha is actually mid though
Kesha is actually mid though
so is gaga
thats the point im making
just cause you like these pop artists doesnt mean their music is above mid
so is gaga
thats the point im making
just cause you like these pop artists doesnt mean their music is above mid
objectively speaking
there is no objectivity in art
im already getting feathers ruffled and the list aint even dropped
wait till yall see the top 5 WOOOOO boy
there is no objectivity in art
you can definitely debate why x album is better than y album and there can definitely be things that make it objectively better.
you can definitely debate why x album is better than y album and there can definitely be things that make it objectively better.
and by those objective standards Lady Gaga is good
you can definitely debate why x album is better than y album and there can definitely be things that make it objectively better.
someone can tell me they find a gunna album better than a Ornette Coleman album and those feelings are completely valid. We consumed the art differently and how we subjectively see that piece of art is valid in our thinking, what matters is being able to have a healthy discussion on it.
someone can tell me they find a gunna album better than a Ornette Coleman album and those feelings are completely valid. We consumed the art differently and how we subjectively see that piece of art is valid in our thinking, what matters is being able to have a healthy discussion on it.
stop tryna act reasonable