ayo relax my nigga u doin the most
doing the most?
crazy how soft ktt2 got really
doing the most?
crazy how soft ktt2 got really
You hating from outside the club brother. Sign up to do a VZ and once you win you can talk all the s*** you want
You hating from outside the club brother. Sign up to do a VZ and once you win you can talk all the s*** you want
I cant be up at 4 am to prove something to ktt2 users man sorry
You hating from outside the club brother. Sign up to do a VZ and once you win you can talk all the s*** you want
Real s***. It’s always the people that have no business criticizing reps that do it.
Congrats wayne on the W. He won before it even started.
U just f***ed him dog
Less than 3 hours until u meet your demise loser !!!!!!!!!!!!
thats f***ing wayne B
I would never lose
n f*** is wrong w u correcting ddue u really got petty ig . U should be sad doe u lost w the goat f***ing loser ass
Why y'all taking this sht so personal
Idk how tf this about to play out
I do!!!!!!!
Less than 3 hours until u meet your demise loser !!!!!!!!!!!!
The competitive spirit has been restored
Odds looking like: -1400 Weezy/ +850 Future
Shut up alt
Wait does the negative mean bad
couldn’t do worse than the last guy
Watch yo f***ing mouth Lucid
i’d never throw in the towel just sayin
The competitive spirit has been restored
This is a celebration thread already for wayne winning 11-0 !!!!!!!!!