Songs must be emo
Is theres no strict following for this. How are Dinosaur and Lil Peep emo
I voted for Dinosaur cause I like em more tho
We aren't being strict but people have decided to push it to the extremes
Is it too late to join? @op
will add, this is the last round to join
whoever designed this has no appreciation for culture
will add, this is the last round to join
if someone comes they can have my spot
if no one comes tho im still playing
What are y’all gonna spend your emo bucks on if you win?
Manic Panic hair dye
What are y’all gonna spend your emo bucks on if you win?
i heart b***ies wristbands
What are y’all gonna spend your emo bucks on if you win?
some fortnite skins
What are y’all gonna spend your emo bucks on if you win?