@op why dont we start this 7:30
Do you hate europeans?
Need to give people time to sign up
Drake and Kanye would have been not only allowed, but encouraged in my version of this thread
It also would have been all genres not just rap
So if this is bad remember its not my fault because it's a different idea
@op oh this is at like 1am i cannot rep but i will vote x
you were fr this time you said
you were fr this time you said
i meant like vote
@op sign me UP
Are you adding yourself anyway or no?
Def can’t sorry bro :/
Yeah I’m confused that’s why
Oh. If you sign up to rep, you choose 1 rap song during your round with a randomly selected opponent. If you win, you stay in the pool. If you lose you’re eliminated. Last person to remain in the pool wins.
if spots fill up can we push it up an hour? @op
if spots fill up can we push it up an hour? @op
I guess so. Only thing is idk if everyone that signed up can do it an hour early