Always thought it was that user ‘kid kurro’
What happend to him?
Surprisingly enough, I have too much going on in my life (and too much self-respect) to find the time and energy to run a hip-hop Twitter account
Surprised no one has pointed out he’s still a pretty prevalent user here on an alt
@ ?
Surprisingly enough, I have too much going on in my life (and too much self-respect) to find the time and energy to run a hip-hop Twitter account
Lmao I dig that
Glad to know you’re still kickin it Cuz
Lol already deleted
He shouldn’t have even posted that to begin with. Dude is a huge account now, nobody give af about a small forum like ktt
Thats crazy i remember i got into an argument wth him because he said he swatted people but i guess i got baited
I’m f***ing crying no one on twitter will care about his edgy ktt posts. Why even admit wrong doing would blow over in a day
lol he posted this on his alt as a reply to me
honestly, good on him for owning up to it finally. for years, he would just say “prove it” if you ever mentioned how he used to be.
I’m f***ing crying no one on twitter will care about his edgy ktt posts. Why even admit wrong doing would blow over in a day
People overestimate their importance and how much people actually care or even care to know
I don’t even think people know this dudes real name?
testing thread was never the same ever since he admitted how he felt abt north west
Saw his explanation post earlier and was wondering what happened lmao
He was both Paul M Deniro and Squirt Reynolds right?
Now it makes sense tbh I always thought when I saw that account on X like I swear I’ve seen that name before on KTT
Thought this was known
He stole a video from the Frank Ocean Coachella show that a poster filmed and shared here
lol he posted this on his alt as a reply to me, good on him for owning up to it finally. for years, he would just say “prove it” if you ever mentioned how he used to be.
U said he thirsted over toddlers and he denied that ever happened. Who’s telling the truth here?
U said he thirsted over toddlers and he denied that ever happened. Who’s telling the truth here?
by “it” i mean his former online identity as @Kurco
he used to flat out deny that was him
Forgot what his username was back on KTT1 but he had a Paul Denino (Ice Poseidon) avy
I remember him from the YNS podcast thread
Also dondasplace
But dondasplace was cool tho