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  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    yeah you still have to give credit for a good action despite questioning it's motives otherwise you just shilling for the other side.

    foreign policy is always tough for me. so often i feel like a genuinely moral foreign policy would be so hard to get mainstream public support for. trump said some surprisingly good things on foreign policy during his time among all the bullshit but he has been pretty all over the place throughout his presidency on a lot of issues

    Yea I like Trump when he’s overseas (and not gaffing lmao)

    Honestly he probably just thinks so much clearer outside the country without the constant bickering in his face.

    Then again he said he trusted Putin over the CIA in Russia

    This guy man🤦🏽‍♂️

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    lmfao fr, biden thought it had the pass from being obama's guy. white candidates, use your common sense and never tell black people they ain't black enough

    yeah that's probably true, and in a state decided in the thousands that can make a difference. doesn't help having such an uninspiring candidate. trump inspires his base, where's the energy around biden?

    biden reminds me of a candidate we had, theresa may. 'shes so popular, she's the most popular pm in a decade or more etc.' Then when it came to the campaign she turned something like a 24 point lead into a few points to the extent nobody secured a majority also in the UK our campaigns can sometimes last a few weeks, Biden got months to destory himself. just like him she was so out of touch, full of s***, gaff-prone and her own worst enemy

    Lmao goddamn bro. That’s the thing too where tf is Biden’s base? It doesn’t even exist they’re just self-proclaimed Trump haters. Honestly though any of those candidates since 2019 would’ve been terrible f***ing presidents. Still so scared to find out who his VP will be.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    They really hate when people start breaking free from the programming of the two party system actually being a viable option that serves anyone’s interests other than the billionaire elites

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Did some more research and ima apologize for my tone the last couple days and what I was saying

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    This site is 4chan level now this has made me realize

    Ppl really believe kanye running as an independent who’s only eligible to receive votes in 33 states (which means he didn’t even do the research to realize that he’s ineligible to receive votes in 17 states) would receive any more than 2% of the popular vote

    All the same people who said they didn’t need to pay attention in school cus “when will I use any of this s***

    And they think they’re the woke ones for all this. Your parents are failures. Don’t bother quoting me not gonna reply to mouth breathers anymore on here

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    it's different in some countries often depending on how votes are represented. but in the UK most times (weirdly not as much for a lot of this decade), it just makes the government and the party of government way more dominant.

    In the US the most direct translation would mean whoever had the house would have the presidency. and the house was way more powerful than the senate, the senate could only overturn the house for limited amounts of time and could only reject a bill a certain number of times, and all the bills would start in the house. the president would probably appear in the house a lot as they'd have to be a member of the house which would be interesting (would have blocked trump from running for example).

    it's different in different places but that would be the closest translation i think

    The UK and USA both have a 'winner takes it all' system

    It's different from most European parliamentary democracies, which is more based on consensus

  • ego death verse really perfect for this all

  • Jul 6, 2020

    This site is 4chan level now this has made me realize

    Ppl really believe kanye running as an independent who’s only eligible to receive votes in 33 states (which means he didn’t even do the research to realize that he’s ineligible to receive votes in 17 states) would receive any more than 2% of the popular vote

    All the same people who said they didn’t need to pay attention in school cus “when will I use any of this s***

    And they think they’re the woke ones for all this. Your parents are failures. Don’t bother quoting me not gonna reply to mouth breathers anymore on here

  • Jul 6, 2020

    The fact that ppl on twitter are actually debating like he's really running and actually has a chance in 2020 is crazy. Just to see that type of rhetoric solidifies that he actually has a chance.

    But I know this is his dry run, and I know KANYE WEST WILL BE PRESIDENT WITHIN THE NEXT 10 YEARS. If it isn't 2024, it will be 2028!

  • Jul 6, 2020

    The UK and USA both have a 'winner takes it all' system

    It's different from most European parliamentary democracies, which is more based on consensus

    yeah i get that which is why i was talking about first past the post earlier

    but i just mean in most parliamentary systems the government must have some sort of ability to command parliament. In coalitions like what you're talking about this is still the case. I think this can help a government get things through (like in the uk when we had a coalition from 2010-2015 cos they could find a lot of common ground they still won lots of votes-this is obviously not the same with more fragile coalitions). But a president could not control congress but control the government meaning they end up bending to their political opposition or at least being blocked by them. do you get what i mean? plus it means presidents and cabinet members don't have to come from the legislature.

    that's all i was really pointing out. i'd love it if uk election results were reflected under pr, we'd probably have a different pm rn and besides i think the system's fairer regardless of what the result is. tbf tho fam, if two parties get close enough in their agendas they can still crush parliamentary opposition so it's not all as open consensus-building as i feel like some people make out. i feel like parties adapt to this too in everything they do cos they'll constantly be thinking about coalition partners (like when cameron/osbourne in the uk were briefly scared of labour/milliband and wanted to run on a joint ticket with their coalition partners)


    Lmao goddamn bro. That’s the thing too where tf is Biden’s base? It doesn’t even exist they’re just self-proclaimed Trump haters. Honestly though any of those candidates since 2019 would’ve been terrible f***ing presidents. Still so scared to find out who his VP will be.

    if i ever read anything they write they're obsessed with restoring 'civility' (like politicians being more polite will save lives or some s*** ) or glorifying the obama years to the point they're unrecognisable. when you glorify those years to that extent does that come across to people as inauthentic and stop becoming a selling point? like people were alive they remember

    I liked bernie for a lot of reasons, just as a candidate, ideologies and policies aside. i did like the policy platform too but i get it's not for everyone


    Yea I like Trump when he’s overseas (and not gaffing lmao)

    Honestly he probably just thinks so much clearer outside the country without the constant bickering in his face.

    Then again he said he trusted Putin over the CIA in Russia

    This guy man🤦🏽‍♂️

    lool at 'when hes not gaffing', i feel like that's kind of his thing by this point. biden trying to outdo him tho

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Ego Death blasting out of $2 Million speakers on January 20th in front of the largest inauguration crowd in history will hit DIFFERENT.

    Then the lights cut out, the earth rumbles, the lights turn bright red and ON SIGHT cuts on.....

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Went from bein' a broke man to bein' a dopeman
    To bein' the President, look there's hope man

  • Chuck McGill

    Ego Death blasting out of $2 Million speakers on January 20th in front of the largest inauguration crowd in history will hit DIFFERENT.

    Then the lights cut out, the earth rumbles, the lights turn bright red and ON SIGHT cuts on.....

    And Ctuhulu rises from beneath the oval office and reigns for 69 centuries

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    way too many people have been taking what is quite obviously another pre-album release PR move from Kanye as some sort of significant event that requires commentary on the integrity of a democratic election

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    way too many people have been taking what is quite obviously another pre-album release PR move from Kanye as some sort of significant event that requires commentary on the integrity of a democratic election

    Yeah, but he's actually running for President in 2024. This is the dry run.

  • Jul 6, 2020

    Imagine he releases gods country as president of that very nation

  • Jul 6, 2020
    2 replies
    Chuck McGill

    Yeah, but he's actually running for President in 2024. This is the dry run.

    unless he wins the nomination of one of the two parties, he has no chance at victory. you do know that right? he’s not winning anything as some kind of third party candidate

  • Jul 6, 2020

    unless he wins the nomination of one of the two parties, he has no chance at victory. you do know that right? he’s not winning anything as some kind of third party candidate

    He could be the Independent? But obviously this is the dry run, unless Biden or Trump dies before the election, then his chances go up exponentially.

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    unless he wins the nomination of one of the two parties, he has no chance at victory. you do know that right? he’s not winning anything as some kind of third party candidate

    Oh I see what you're saying, but I truly think the 2 Party system in this country will be so despised by the year 2024, folks won't be left or right, blue or red by then. We're in a new era of awareness. Anyone could win this s*** from here on out...

  • Jul 6, 2020
    1 reply

    why are white people like this

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