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  • frenchpress

    “I’m not saying Trump’s in my way, he may be a part of my way. And Joe Biden? Like come on man, please. You know? Obama’s special. Trump’s special. We say Kanye West is special. America needs special people that lead. Bill Clinton? Special. Joe Biden’s not special.”

    what y'all think on that

    this was one of the better points in the interview

  • Jul 8, 2020

    F*** babies amirite

    yes they’re stupid

  • Jul 8, 2020

    There does need to be a better system for kids who can't find a home I agree

  • Jul 8, 2020
    2 replies

    F*** babies amirite

    They're not killing babies bro

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    “That is a form of racism and white supremacy and white control to say that all Black people need to be Democrat and to assume that me running is me splitting the vote. All of that information is being charged up on social media platforms by Democrats. And Democrats used to tell me, the same Democrats have threatened me…. The reason why this is the first day I registered to vote is because I was scared. I was told that if I voted on Trump my music career would be over. I was threatened into being in one party. I was threatened as a celebrity into being in one party. I was threatened as a Black man into the Democratic party. And that’s what the Democrats are doing, emotionally, to my people. Threatening them to the point where this white man can tell a Black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black.”

    thoughts on this

  • yesac

    They're not killing babies bro

    Facts. KTT quickly turning into r/Kanye

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    They're not killing babies bro

    It's in the process of becoming a baby the potential of life is still there.

  • Jul 8, 2020

    “That is a form of racism and white supremacy and white control to say that all Black people need to be Democrat and to assume that me running is me splitting the vote. All of that information is being charged up on social media platforms by Democrats. And Democrats used to tell me, the same Democrats have threatened me…. The reason why this is the first day I registered to vote is because I was scared. I was told that if I voted on Trump my music career would be over. I was threatened into being in one party. I was threatened as a celebrity into being in one party. I was threatened as a Black man into the Democratic party. And that’s what the Democrats are doing, emotionally, to my people. Threatening them to the point where this white man can tell a Black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black.”

    thoughts on this

    100% agree. Democrats are the most racist group

  • Jul 8, 2020

    No different than 30 states still execute

  • Jul 8, 2020

    they want to do all kinds of things, to make it where we can’t cross the gates of heaven. I'm sorry when I say they, the humans that have the Devil inside them.

  • Jul 8, 2020

    i despise religion bro

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    It's in the process of becoming a baby the potential of life is still there.

    The position I take on abortion is nuanced
    Do I wish for potential offspring to be aborted? Of course not
    But if a woman is forced into a situation where she cannot carry, I think she deserves a right to choose

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    If you agree with anything in that article other than anti-police brutality and anti-white supremacy

  • Jul 8, 2020

    If you agree with anything in that article other than anti-police brutality and anti-white supremacy

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    The position I take on abortion is nuanced
    Do I wish for potential offspring to be aborted? Of course not
    But if a woman is forced into a situation where she cannot carry, I think she deserves a right to choose

    Ok we found a understanding

    I do believe I'm not in a position to tell someone what to do. It is their body and being pro life is a personal belief.

    Rape victims are definitely a exception too

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    Ok we found a understanding

    I do believe I'm not in a position to tell someone what to do. It is their body and being pro life is a personal belief.

    Rape victims are definitely a exception too

    The thing is, you can have your personal opinion on whether a fetus should be killed or not. But still, I feel that as a man I I don't have a right to tell another person - let alone a woman, someone I can't relate to - what to do with her body.

  • Jul 8, 2020

    “I have to say with all humility that as a man, I don’t have all of the pieces in the puzzle. As I speak to you for what a political campaign—a political walk, as I told you, because I’m not running, I’m walking. I'm not running, we the people are walking. We’re not running anymore, we’re not running, we’re not excited—we are energized, Someone can say, ‘Hey, I got a brand new car for you, it’s across the street and you get so excited you run across the street and get hit by a car trying to run to your new car. That’s how they control the Black community, through emotions, they get us excited, we’re so excited, but then for 400 years the change doesn’t truly happen.

  • Jul 8, 2020

    that article is a wild read

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    The thing is, you can have your personal opinion on whether a fetus should be killed or not. But still, I feel that as a man I I don't have a right to tell another person - let alone a woman, someone I can't relate to - what to do with her body.

    I agree, that's where my personal belief ends up not mattering because i'm not even a woman. But I still feel like expressing it.

    At the end of the day I don't picture Kanye actually pushing for anti abortion laws I feel like he's just expressing how he feels.

  • AKFresh

    I agree, that's where my personal belief ends up not mattering because i'm not even a woman. But I still feel like expressing it.

    At the end of the day I don't picture Kanye actually pushing for anti abortion laws I feel like he's just expressing how he feels.

    I'd normally agree with your last sentence but for politicians, their opinions matter more so than other people bc they are in positions to let their opinions influence their policies. We can't do that

  • Jul 8, 2020

    Kanye might be dumber than ever before

  • Jul 8, 2020

    Drake x Kim tape from 2017 incoming

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    So you can’t be pro-life unless you’re pro-subsidies?

  • Jul 8, 2020
    1 reply

    So you can’t be pro-life unless you’re pro-subsidies?

    Money doesn't solve everything. Sometimes parents simply aren't mature enough to be having kids. Giving them money won't fix that

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