Why is Ye going all in on this topic? Doesn't make sense whatsoever.
Not a chance his wife or sisters etc agree with this bull.
Since Kanye has been redpilled, all his left-right « fan » abandonned him.
This is sad.
Not a chance his wife or sisters etc agree with this bull.
What I mean is that this won't please even 5% of Americans or isn't something relevant in today's American issues. Why this topic so relevant out of nowhere?
Why is he doing this s***?
What is wrong with what he tweeted, it literally says after 6 months
I get Kanye’s progression in his ideas has been rapid since he came out in the early 2000’s but bro what the F*** is going on compared to not even 2 years ago
he's literally just trying to get people angry because nobody gave a f*** about the interview. why this nigga being a clown man
forever my favorite artist but now im seeing he truly lives off of outrage, as soon as people stop caring he loses his power
What is wrong with what he tweeted, it literally says after 6 months
Nothing is wrong, people crying because his views differ to theirs.
What is wrong with what he tweeted, it literally says after 6 months
It’s the same rhetoric and logic people like Tucker Carlson use to mislead people
No one is aborting babies for fun at the 24 week mark.
he's literally just trying to get people angry because nobody gave a f*** about the interview. why this nigga being a clown man
But then again I don't see the wrong in the tweet, it literally says after 6 months, you cannot legally abort your baby after 6 months
kim had to step up i guess, she said
"nah you ain't talking about abortion, that's where i draw the line kanye, don't tweet that"
too harmful for her brand, can't f*** with womans issues
I can’t stand when men comment on women’s reproductive rights tbh, it makes no sense to me
He delete the post because all the reddit/ soja men are gonna attacked him for being a nazi
Van Lathan was right when he told kanye to his face he morphed into something that isn’t real