I wonder who initiated that idea if true...
Rawdog all my birds I’m tryna have some chix
Sorry Singh is king I reported it first
When are you going to get an. Avi
lol imagine if travis/kylie are the celeb people that make open relationships popular lol
bout damn time.
So why date if you have no control over yourself
being open doesn't mean you lack control tho
Trav acting like he didn’t have a side chick for those whole 3 years together lmao
Trav acting like he didn’t have a side chick for those whole 3 years together lmao
Gotta work smarter not harder
Utopia rollout is due of course he had to get the Kardashian buzz again
Also imagine being in an open relationship
TMZ usually always uses trash pictures of celebrities but both of these are pretty good ..,especially Kylie
But yeah this is wild never thought someone like her would be in one of these...Travis definitely thought of the idea lol
Utopia rollout is due of course he had to get the Kardashian buzz again
Also imagine being in an open relationship
He’s a great marketer no matter what, he deliver with both the marketing and music
lol imagine if travis/kylie are the celeb people that make open relationships popular lol
bout damn time.
thought it would be Will and Jada but hey Trav and Kylie will popularize it
lol imagine if travis/kylie are the celeb people that make open relationships popular lol
bout damn time.
That should be the standard for celebs anyways. Telling a nigga with f*** you money that can sleep with practically any woman they want to be faithful is setting yourself up for failure. If Bill Gates couldn't be faithful you expecting Travis Scott to?
What it mean
it just means while both of yall are still the main relationship, living together/doing long term s*** like family, sharing bank accounts, or any s*** that your regular monogamous couple would do, it also means they both are able to do their own thing outside of this and have their own relationships. As long as you being upfront and transparent with your primary partner about em (this where most people f*** up lol)
I feel amazing today new laptop and CLB/Utopia rollouts starting man I’m actually shedding tears rn
thought it would be Will and Jada but hey Trav and Kylie will popularize it
I thought so too but even they put that s*** in a bad light. WIllow has the right idea.