So he still gonna come home and kiss the b**** after she got nutted on by another nigga?
So he still gonna come home and kiss the b**** after she got nutted on by another nigga?
Im assuming hes f***ing other b****es too so he prolly won't care or even wanna know what she been doing
Keep both this trash
At least they don’t check their daughter hymen every year
At least they don’t check their daughter hymen every year
I'm sorry so I am I supposed to worship these 2 clowns or..?
I'm sorry so I am I supposed to worship these 2 clowns or..?
..when you can't make a point 😂
First stage of grief, denial
So he still gonna come home and kiss the b**** after she got nutted on by another nigga?
She still gonna kiss him after somebody ass was in his mouf
Not sure how any self respecting person can enter one of these to be honest.
I mean personally I’d want someone to be exclusive with me just because those types of relationships tend to provide more of both emotional and physical intimacy (just from my own personal experiences and from those I know who have tried open type deals), but I see the value in it. You may have someone who really connects with you emotionally and is completely ideal that way but can’t fulfill some if any of your physical needs and the other way around as well. Ideally you find someone who can do both well but I don’t see the idea of having two or more people fulfil those roles being inherently bad. Mainly think it only works if you stay consistent with your emotional support person (only 1) and seek the physical intimacy elsewhere (long term at least), but I’ve also seen it the other way around where people have long term f*** buddies they don’t want to be in an exclusive relationship with. Just different and more complicated because there are always more people and personalities in the equation but I wouldn’t say it’s that bizarre in this day and age.
I mean wasn't he putting her foot in his mouth on his birthday in the club
i don’t see the problem
i don’t see the problem
Me neither, this report just doesn't sound like new news
Me neither, this report just doesn't sound like new news
oh i agree
but it brought up a discussion so idk
Yall straight up saying this kind of relationship would only work if it's one-sided for yourself But no self respecting person could do this? LOL
I just be like, it was my idea to have an open relationship
Now a nigga mad
Now I'm 'bout to drive 90 miles like Matt Barnes to kill...
30 hours
Just to kill..
Just to...
Just to...
I'm about to drive 90
90 miles like Matt Barnes just to whoop a nigga ass
It was my idea and now a nigga (30 hours)
Now a nigga mad, now a nigga, uh
Why do people enter a open relationship when you can just be single?
I think the Trav case is the most edge case because of the extra factors you gotta look at. Kylie is also a massive celebrity that he was clearly close with and it appears their relationship failed due to hookups and not a real personal disconnect or disagreement. They were already close and the pool of single celebrities is much smaller than normal people (who wouldn’t be able to relate nearly as much, not saying it wouldn’t work cause clearly it has for others, just difficult in an unusual way) so she is still a viable partner instead of just having hookups and no emotional support from a relationship. Also the fact that they have a kid together and will automatically have to be in each others lives regardless. They want to raise that kid with both of them actively in the child’s life can also make it an easier decision to stay together for the sake of their kid (who they both care deeply about). So if the concession is that both can find physical intimacy elsewhere (another difficult issues for celebs who have extremely busy schedules that force them to likely be away from eachother for decent stretches of time) than I don’t see that as a bad compromise and they both still get most of what they want.
Cucktus Jack
Yall straight up saying this kind of relationship would only work if it's one-sided for yourself But no self respecting person could do this? LOL
It usually manifests itself that way because people are selfish and hate change, so one unhappy person in a relationship will take advantage of the situation while the other stays with them because they don’t want to lose them. But the idea it can’t work where you have physical partners and emotional parters simultaneously is wrong. I know a couple that is open where they are a perfect match emotionally but the one has crazy kinks she can’t get fulfilled by the guy so she seeks that elsewhere (and he seeks more normal s***stuff from other) and it seems to work for them (they haven’t found better replacements who do both yet at least).