Is that… someone with a different political stance than me!?
5 pages for this nonsense
site is rly nothing but gossip threads and daily Kanye-Drake-Kendrick threads with the odd token pop star
You see the lies
after seeing some of these niggas gas Sara Jay i don’t take their opinions on white women seriously
didn’t she turn on Kanye cause of MAGA? lmaoooo
quintessential white woman behavior
Lana is not with the gay pop s*** she’s like the anti every new pop artist , zero gay s*** in her music
i fw her 4 that tbh
Her beliefs aren’t different, she’s expressed desire to go back to segregation many times
That was an old flame. This guy is an alligator tour guide from rural Louisiana
What are you talking about
Her beliefs aren’t different, she’s expressed desire to go back to segregation many times