Half the country supports Trump why is it news every time a random celebrity or someone connected to them supports him? Grow up bozos
I’m sorry but yeah you should be shamed if you vote for a convicted rapist who was best friends with Epstein and incited an insurrection to overthrow an election he lied about
So you don’t feel shame voting for a pro-Israel genocide maniac?
So you don’t feel shame voting for a pro-Israel genocide maniac?
Is Trump pro Palestine?
So you don’t feel shame voting for a pro-Israel genocide maniac?
if you think kamala and trump are even remotely close you are a diaper s***ting rètard
if you think kamala and trump are even remotely close you are a diaper s***ting rètard
both represent the same system so that should tell u something
both represent the same system so that should tell u something
no ? trump is a populist he doesn't care about the system or even conservative values
he only cares about his self
Because Kanye is blonde and gone
lmao, aged like milk
no ? trump is a populist he doesn't care about the system or even conservative values
he only cares about his self
Is that… someone with a different political stance than me!?
Is that… someone with a different political stance than me!?
if you think kamala and trump are even remotely close you are a diaper s***ting rètard
If you think Kamala will end the genocide of Palestinians you are a diaper s***ting rètard
If you think Kamala will end the genocide of Palestinians you are a diaper s***ting rètard
You're so right, Kamala is just as bad as Trump on one issue, so there's no reason to vote for her despite nearly every other policy being preferable to the Trump alternative.
Also if you think any American president is ever going to pull a complete 180 on Israel, you're a tiktok brained neanderthal
If you think Kamala will end the genocide of Palestinians you are a diaper s***ting rètard
she's at least spoken publicly about how she wants a ceasefire
as opposed to trump who everytime he's talked the conflict its incoherent nonsense
and he used "palestinian" as a slur in his debate against biden
i doubt trump could even find palestine on a map