They were going to make the movie either way so some of the movie is clearly a f*** you to wb they are the literal villains of the movie . Barbie did the same thing but this doesn’t pull the punches . Obviously some of the movie is utter trash acting direction and action . But making a movie that wrote them into a complete hole they can’t return from in any medium was part of goal it appears . It worked . Wb choose to clear it after reading the script so
You are a Zionist no one cares about your opinion
So are all the main characters in this movie that unplugged from the Matrix. Maybe some day you'll wake up, too.
So are all the main characters in this movie that unplugged from the Matrix. Maybe some day you'll wake up, too.
I have said in some ways they are the villains especially with the end of this movie lol
Relax Harold, it isn't that deep
You are in the matrix thread talking about me . Loser.
You are in the matrix thread talking about me . Loser.
I only acknowledged I realized this was an alt. You take this internet s*** way too serious. You're cool when you're not having autistic fits
Ok I was going to ignore this thread because I'm still recovering from this emotionally, mentally, spiritually etc... But, this has got to be the biggest cap ever. The film is full of corny nostalgia tropes and in-your-face intertextuality. What makes this movie so terrible is that the entire story reads like pedestrian fanfiction in how it addresses themes completely out of its depth in contrast to having direction; something with the vision and the ingenuity to go beyond people's expectations. The movie is so disjointed, it loses track of its own plot, multiple times. This movie is an allegory of why a D- is worse than getting an F. Unlike someone who doesn't get it at all, Lana understood the assignment, but still fumbled everything by her incompetence to make the concepts she introduces work in tandem. This movie is an allegory of how Boomer executives and directors ruin everything millennials hold dear by trying to teach them some kind of lesson.
Do not quote me.
real, emu never disappoints
I only acknowledged I realized this was an alt. You take this internet s*** way too serious. You're cool when you're not having autistic fits
Autism a joke to you . You a loser . I’m not taking it seriously.
What’s serious about saying you a b**** ass Nigga . You are an edgy loser
Autism a joke to you . You a loser . I’m not taking it seriously.
What’s serious about saying you a b**** ass Nigga . You are an edgy loser
You're having a bad day. God bless
You're having a bad day. God bless
You going to Hell why give away Gods blessings when you never going to see him ?
real, emu never disappoints
They literally rebranded after getting called out for racism
They literally rebranded after getting called out for racism
wasn’t there another account that had emu with the Israel flag? did it get clapped or what
Imagine if Lana hadn't s*** the bed with the action scenes, that alone woulda put it on matrix reloaded level with the general public
So are all the main characters in this movie that unplugged from the Matrix. Maybe some day you'll wake up, too.
They were going to make the movie either way so some of the movie is clearly a f*** you to wb they are the literal villains of the movie . Barbie did the same thing but this doesn’t pull the punches . Obviously some of the movie is utter trash acting direction and action . But making a movie that wrote them into a complete hole they can’t return from in any medium was part of goal it appears . It worked . Wb choose to clear it after reading the script so
Barbie was lame. Wasted artistic potential.
Barbie was lame. Wasted artistic potential.
Even worse it was boring as hell outside of michael ceras lines and the big Ken song and dance at the end
Will Ferrell usually kills it in his supporting roles but every scene with him was crickets
crine why the thread popping and I just got done watching it.
for some reason I never finished this when it came out but this was fun. confusing a little tho
I knew captainMurphy was haroldschicken when he had a breakdown when I was trolling Xbox stans but I was waiting for him to post in the The Matrix: Resurrections thread to be sure…
Mods have been notified
At least own you a b**** ass nigga
gahdamn booski why you so triggered. we all mourned you and glad you back