Resurrections said simply give off the modal
get off the treadmill yet we can't resist
Again I think Neo enters the game he created in final part of movie.
Resurrections said simply give off the modal
get off the treadmill yet we can't resist
Again I think Neo enters the game he created in final part of movie.
Ktt is the modal
The treadmill
Ktt is the modal
The treadmill
matrix 1 ended with him putting down the phone and flying. Now we all got smart phones and none of us can fly we jump to our death to protect the matrix
people in here didn't even get why a tv turning on would activate a human being from their sleep to jump to their death to try to stop neo and trinity from reaching the architect
You make jokes about autism and I work with kids with autism. I have nothing to make up with you. Not everyone has to be friendly in this place. Plain and simple. Live your best life
When it ends may you have people that show up for you and love you, but I won't be there in any form
You make jokes about autism and I work with kids with autism. I have nothing to make up with you. Not everyone has to be friendly in this place. Plain and simple. Live your best life
When it ends may you have people that show up for you and love you, but I won't be there in any form
You'll be there, in my heart
You'll be there, in my heart
You are heartless so as I said I can't be somewhere that doesn't exist.
You are heartless so as I said I can't be somewhere that doesn't exist.
Guys like me don't just fall out the f***ing sky ya know
My biggest con of this movie is actually probably 1. action 2. amount of time spent in zion is entirely unnecessary there are more interesting things they could have said about society in just the Matrix.
That is me though
I wiil forever wonder what animatrix 2 would have been
This is definitely likely her final movie
Cloud Atlas my favorite Wachowski movie though and its indie
Guys like me don't just fall out the f***ing sky ya know
Falling out of the sky is reserved for Angels not devils
Falling out of the sky is reserved for Angels not devils
I've repented, the kingdom has reserved my spot
Wasted the s*** outta her I must admit
Guys like me don't just fall out the f***ing sky ya know
Same on again off again relationship with da condom man as baklava
Matrix fam… we have won a hipster lol
Ain't been in this thread since the movie dropped I just remember this was one of the most funniest, entertaining threads I ever seen on this site back then
Ain't been in this thread since the movie dropped I just remember this was one of the most funniest, entertaining threads I ever seen on this site back then
Entire site has gotten so much s***tier in just two years
Entire site has gotten so much s***tier in just two years
Film section Never quite recovered from the matrix resurrections murdering official film section hype man Backlava
I am not going to talk about it no more but my passion for the topic of dead muslims and black people has nothing to do with Ye you are just too dumb to see that. It happens to break out in the Ye section but it has nothing to do with Ye.
matrix 4 thread continues being f***ing goat
They know what i am saying isn't hateful its actually the opposite...
Accountability is love .
Hatred is allowing something to happen because you don't want an awkward conversation.
we gotta get this thread to a 1000 pages in honor of baklava
on the way home rn catching greyhounds back to cali from lousiana
matrix marathon soon