Does anyone use it?
I personally use positive thinking to feel better, I sometimes attracted what I wanted.
be careful what u ask for
Does anyone use it?
I personally use positive thinking to feel better, I sometimes attracted what I wanted.
You mean CBT.
Does anyone use it?
I personally use positive thinking to feel better, I sometimes attracted what I wanted.
i feel like that's kinda bs, at least to the extent that some people take it to, like "manifesting money" and "attracting success"
but having a mindset that u can do anything is nothing but helpful in some cases
Bullshit. its kind of annoying too. Its like a toxic version of regular optimism. from my understanding of it, you think something and it somehow gets “attracted or manifested” in your life.
imagine going to a rape victim and saying “oh... you mustve had bad vibes, u manifested this” or does it not work like that?
My sis tried to get me to watch “the secret”. I couldnt stop dying. Its some cult s***
I got exactly what I asked for
exactly what i asked for...
I went from a high school dropout and chronic d*** user to a college student surrounded by pretty women on a pretty campus. You'd be surprised how far a positive perspective can take you 😄
10 years ago I was in the projects of Mississippi. Now this is what I'm currently looking at:
Keep your head up guys. Stay positive and stay on the lookout for opportunities
My life is still meh. But it's wayyyy better than what it used to be. I genuinely do believe in law of attraction
Law of attraction is just another way of saying you accomplish what you put your mind to. Thinking you want something to happen isn’t gonna make it happen. Everything comes easier with effort not hopeful wishes
Bullshit. its kind of annoying too. Its like a toxic version of regular optimism. from my understanding of it, you think something and it somehow gets “attracted or manifested” in your life.
imagine going to a rape victim and saying “oh... you mustve had bad vibes, u manifested this” or does it not work like that?
My sis tried to get me to watch “the secret”. I couldnt stop dying. Its some cult s***
Nah it doesn’t work like that but the purely who actually are pike they are dumb as bricks. Law of attraction is not a mind only thing it’s something you actually have to put action behind for it to actually work. The way people think law of attraction works is like a prayer but prayers don’t do anything unless you actually put work behind it for it to happen. It really is like a plan and always keeping that end goal in sight and to not stray from it and as long as you dont stop and dont give up youll get there some how even if it didn’t go by plan