Are you stupid? People draw influences from other genres all the time
Kanye didn't have influence
on so far gone.
That's not what he said
he literally did. he said he created genres of music. genres that have always existed
Are you stupid? You just said that you can’t draw influence from separate genres and then show me a quote of Drake saying he was influenced by the smiths.
You’re not even being consistent
There’s literally an 808s beat on the albUm bruh. Just stop
40 created his sound
I think it’s hypocritically of you to post that quote of Drake saying Kanye is an influence but the quotes I post aren’t relevant ?
Smh whatever
that kanye created rap and r&b? source??
made it easier for an artist to not conform and switch from both genres.
before ye only people I can think of is pharrell and andre and they just didn't have the amount of material like ye
Kanye didn't have influence
on so far gone.
There’s literally a Kanye beat on so far gone
he literally did. he said he created genres of music. genres that have always existed
You taking it way to literally
40 created his sound
I think it’s hypocritically of you to post that quote of Drake saying Kanye is an influence but the quotes I post aren’t relevant ?
Smh whatever
40 even said he took some influence from 808s
Kanye didn't have influence
on so far gone.
There’s literally a whole song of drake rapping over a Kanye beat
There’s literally a Kanye beat on so far gone
Alright, aside from that one beat.
There’s literally a whole song of drake rapping over a Kanye beat
That one singular song.
Kanye literally said he birthed Drake not he influenced Drake
That would mean Kanye invented singing & rapping lololol
I need Ye's whole album recordings of Yeezus to drop man
Probably won't get s*** like that until he dies unfortunately
Come look at this nonsense
Ye stans claiming he birthed Drake whole style, a style that existed since the 90s
Oh my the delusion
Kanye literally said he birthed Drake not he influenced Drake
That would mean Kanye invented singing & rapping lololol
I mean ye said "I am a God". in his defense he has a tendency to be dramatic but thats Ye
You taking it way to literally
so basically you want me to ignore what he literally said out his mouth on camera and believe that it's not actually what he meant. the same guy who believes he is a god and is the greatest artist to ever exist. you really think thats not what he meant?