Niggas tryna listen to this at the summer kickback
! absolutely phenomenal screaming Aubrey could never
Isaiah perfect for the summertime. Yes I want that more than a Kendrick album
Imagine wanting a Isaiah Rashad album more than a Kendrick one
Niggas tryna listen to this at the summer kickback
Imagine wanting a Isaiah Rashad album more than a Kendrick one
After Cilvia Demo and The Sun's Tirade? Why wouldn't I be wanting an Isaiah Rashad album more than a Kendrick album?
Isaiah perfect for the summertime. Yes I want that more than a Kendrick album
Imagine wanting an isaiah Rashad album
After Cilvia Demo and The Sun's Tirade? Why wouldn't I be wanting an Isaiah Rashad album more than a Kendrick album?
The Suns Tirade was alright.
Cilvia Demo is a classic though
Last time LeBron did this. UU came a few days after. ..lebron also previewed DAMN before anyone. Let's hope this is a sign of things to come.
we were so close to the zaywop rollout
The Suns Tirade was alright.
Cilvia Demo is a classic though
Sus tirade better than CD
even twitter knows the power of sme girl