  • Oct 12, 2022

    nowhere near over

  • Oct 12, 2022
    2 replies

    To Jewish people it is, and it’s not my place as a non-Jewish person to tell them what is or isn’t offensive to their religion

    You got a source on that? Or do they actually do or say actual antisemitic things to be labeled antisemitic?

  • Oct 12, 2022

    Lebron: “So explain to us want you meant by Deathcon 3 cause i’m sure it was just a big misunderstanding”

    Kanye: “I want them niggas to DIE”

    Lebron: ”….”


  • Oct 12, 2022
    1 reply

    It's like some of y'all act like two things can't be true.

    Do Jews control most aspects of media on the elite level? Even though that is a clear cut Neo-Nazi conspiracy theory/talking point, if you ever take time to look up who the elites are in entertainment/general media industry, you will see that yes that is the case.

    Did Kanye still need to get kicked off IG and Twitter for spreading hate similar to the exact type of s*** that Neo-Nazis do with that "I'm going death com 3 on Jewish people" s***? Yes.

    We can talk about how disrespect and hate towards Black people from political and entertainment figures often goes unpunished or unnoticed til we blue in the face. We know this. But in this particular situation, y'all gotta stop acting like Kanye only got kicked off cause he started talking about Jews. Nigga got kicked off IG before he even mentioned s*** about them. If Kanye left it just at "Black Israelites are the original Jews" I guarantee you he wouldn't have gotten his account suspended. Specifically mentioning death makes his tweet comes off as a threat and hate speech targeting a specific group. Like y'all can't be this f***in dense. There's just no way.

  • Oct 12, 2022
    1 reply

    That's enough Mr West, please no more today

  • Oct 12, 2022
    1 reply

    That's enough Mr West, please no more today

    And i’m still gonna listen to this stupid ass niggas old music

  • Oct 12, 2022
    Smacked Voodoo

    It's like some of y'all act like two things can't be true.

    Do Jews control most aspects of media on the elite level? Even though that is a clear cut Neo-Nazi conspiracy theory/talking point, if you ever take time to look up who the elites are in entertainment/general media industry, you will see that yes that is the case.

    Did Kanye still need to get kicked off IG and Twitter for spreading hate similar to the exact type of s*** that Neo-Nazis do with that "I'm going death com 3 on Jewish people" s***? Yes.

    We can talk about how disrespect and hate towards Black people from political and entertainment figures often goes unpunished or unnoticed til we blue in the face. We know this. But in this particular situation, y'all gotta stop acting like Kanye only got kicked off cause he started talking about Jews. Nigga got kicked off IG before he even mentioned s*** about them. If Kanye left it just at "Black Israelites are the original Jews" I guarantee you he wouldn't have gotten his account suspended. Specifically mentioning death makes his tweet comes off as a threat and hate speech targeting a specific group. Like y'all can't be this f***in dense. There's just no way.

    "take the time to look up" You outsourcing the anti-Semitism

  • Oct 12, 2022
    2 replies

    You got a source on that? Or do they actually do or say actual antisemitic things to be labeled antisemitic?

    They’re mostly a non-violent people, but they believe that blacks and other ethnic groups are the true Israelites. They’re not really anti-Semitic, they’re moreso just anti-white:

  • Oct 12, 2022
    3 replies

    You got a source on that? Or do they actually do or say actual antisemitic things to be labeled antisemitic?

    Nick cannon damn near got fired from every job he had because professor griff said that black people are the real Jews on his podcast

  • Oct 12, 2022

    And i’m still gonna listen to this stupid ass niggas old music

    Well he's not making money off it so might as well keep streaming

  • 6geW

    kanye trying to hide his anti semitism behind “oh well there are black jews so i could never” is so funny cause he was 95% thinking about drake

    but now he disrespecting drake’s mom with that so it’s worse

    Man what? lmao I’m angry at Ye for wildin lately but you didn’t need to insert Drake in here

  • Oct 12, 2022

    kanye trying to hide his anti semitism behind “oh well there are black jews so i could never” is so funny cause he was 95% thinking about drake

    but now he disrespecting drake’s mom with that so it’s worse

    that’s just black Hebrew bullshit it has nothing to do with Drake

  • Oct 12, 2022
    1 reply

    Nick cannon damn near got fired from every job he had because professor griff said that black people are the real Jews on his podcast

    Am I really a jewish nigga or are stupid niggas gaslighting me

  • Oct 12, 2022


    Censorship is the only way the weak will win.

  • Oct 12, 2022
    Mr Anderson

    had to run it back in main

  • Oct 12, 2022
    1 reply

    They’re mostly a non-violent people, but they believe that blacks and other ethnic groups are the true Israelites. They’re not really anti-Semitic, they’re moreso just anti-white:

    You actually have a NYTimes account? It's paywalled

  • Truthfully Black folk should've been done with Kanye after "slavery was a choice" back in 2016 but unsurprisingly it was a plenty of niggas still riding with him and defending him after that s*** cause "The music is still good bro!" (It wasn't).

    It was also plenty of niggas still riding with him when he said that Harriet Tubman only led Black people to a new form of slavery.

    Infact, I remember the specific talking point from niggas caping for Kanye after that s*** was "Why are Black people the only people who tear down their own??" as if Kanye didn't allude to Blacks choosing to be slaves, or say that Harriet Tubman didn't free slaves...that ain't tearing down your own people?

  • Faith

    Am I really a jewish nigga or are stupid niggas gaslighting me

    That’s hilarious. The argument that they make is that Moses and them were black and they were some of the first documented Jews

  • Oct 12, 2022

    y’all wan a be jews so bad here babysit my cousin melvin for me

  • Oct 12, 2022
    2 replies

    They’re mostly a non-violent people, but they believe that blacks and other ethnic groups are the true Israelites. They’re not really anti-Semitic, they’re moreso just anti-white:

    Pardon my ignorance but isn’t that way of thinking the same as calling Jesus Black?

  • Oct 12, 2022

    Nick cannon damn near got fired from every job he had because professor griff said that black people are the real Jews on his podcast

    The podcast episode in question features Cannon interviewing Richard Griffin, better known as Professor Griff, who was kicked out of the wildly popular rap group Public Enemy in 1989 after doing an interview in The Washington Times, where he reportedly claimed that Jews were responsible "for the majority of wickedness that goes on across the globe."

    Throughout the interview, Cannon engages in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, asking why "we give so much power to the 'theys,' and 'theys' turn into illuminati, the Zionists, the Rothschilds," — referring to the wealthy Jewish family often used as a dog whistle for anti-Semitism.

    Source: NPR

  • Oct 12, 2022
    1 reply

    Nick cannon damn near got fired from every job he had because professor griff said that black people are the real Jews on his podcast

    But what do they mean by real Jews? Why are they calling white people fake Jews?

  • Oct 12, 2022

    Ye's a goner but man I wish I could've seen the look on everyone in that room's face when he started going in

  • Kiryu

    But what do they mean by real Jews? Why are they calling white people fake Jews?

    Scroll up to my last post

  • JeffersonSteelflex

    Pardon my ignorance but isn’t that way of thinking the same as calling Jesus Black?

    You mean he ain't?
