she walk so bhad bhabie can run..
dont disrespect kreayshawn like that man..
ur my new favorite poster now
Damn forgot about this! Her little mini ep she did a few years ago had me thinking she was back full time
Bhad bhabie made good music
yae her raps were def better than i expected them to be.. but she too much of a basic rapper to be compared to kreayshawn imo. bhad was basically just making girl versions of whatever the popular sound in rap was at the time
like bhad babie will never be able to make a website this cool man
its more than just the music
I remember she did a whole ass album with Gucci
this s*** wavier than anything bhad babie has dropped
I remember she did a whole ass album with Gucci
s*** had some slaps man
Kreasyshawn is an interesting character
how so?
did she do some cancelable s***?
i wont get offended if you hate like i def understand the haters pov and get it/not mad