  • Aug 19, 2022

    That’s great news

  • Tubig 🌊
    Aug 19, 2022

    Legalize acid

  • Aug 19, 2022

    Meanwhile Texas still has the same punishment as Russia for weed

  • Aug 19, 2022
    3 replies

    ik it may be hard to conceive, cus we've been trained to think otherwise, but MDMA and Psilocybin are probably significantly less detrimental to society than weed

    it's not really that crazy for the law to treat them as such...

  • Aug 19, 2022

    I can see psilocybin ofc but why mdma can you microdose that too?

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    ik it may be hard to conceive, cus we've been trained to think otherwise, but MDMA and Psilocybin are probably significantly less detrimental to society than weed

    it's not really that crazy for the law to treat them as such...

    Want to elaborate on why you think this?

  • Aug 19, 2022
    3 replies

    imo the messaging about weed being a harmless d*** has seriously damaged the lives of thousands/millions of young people. I know several people helplessly addicted to weed and can’t stop, while actively trying to. Obviously some people can do it in moderation or just are fine on it but people gotta chill with acting like it’s nothing

  • Aug 19, 2022

    Trying mdma and psilocybin next week for the first time

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply

    Want to elaborate on why you think this?

    well, society is just a word we use to describe a large group of people in a long-term sense. If we look at how these d**** affect a person in a long-term sense, we can see how they might affect society as a whole.

    I don't know much about MDMA, so I'm setting that to the side.

    The long-term effects of psilocybin tend be a renewed feeling of purpose, increased productivity, and more agreeableness.

    The long-term effects of weed tend to be a loss of purpose in life, decreased productivity, and increased irritability.

    I can go further, but I think you get my point

  • Aug 19, 2022
    2 replies

    imo the messaging about weed being a harmless d*** has seriously damaged the lives of thousands/millions of young people. I know several people helplessly addicted to weed and can’t stop, while actively trying to. Obviously some people can do it in moderation or just are fine on it but people gotta chill with acting like it’s nothing

    This true

    I specifically avoided cigarettes because I didn’t want to be that dependent on something and get addicted

    Little did I know. Inb4 people say I’m weak but my addiction is at the point I can’t really function without weed tbh

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    well, society is just a word we use to describe a large group of people in a long-term sense. If we look at how these d**** affect a person in a long-term sense, we can see how they might affect society as a whole.

    I don't know much about MDMA, so I'm setting that to the side.

    The long-term effects of psilocybin tend be a renewed feeling of purpose, increased productivity, and more agreeableness.

    The long-term effects of weed tend to be a loss of purpose in life, decreased productivity, and increased irritability.

    I can go further, but I think you get my point

    Makes sense. And with the psilocybin are you talking like microdosing? Because I always thought it could kind of mess up the mind to trip too much and string you out but that could be a misconception

    I tripped a couple times but I’d like to get some more purpose and productivity

  • Aug 19, 2022

    imo the messaging about weed being a harmless d*** has seriously damaged the lives of thousands/millions of young people. I know several people helplessly addicted to weed and can’t stop, while actively trying to. Obviously some people can do it in moderation or just are fine on it but people gotta chill with acting like it’s nothing


    the tricky thing about weed is how person-to-person it is

    I smoke, but pretty infrequently. I can go a month or two without smoking no problem. I could probably never smoke again if I felt like it, but seeing as I'm not particularly dependent on it, don't spend very much on it, and don't really experience any negative effects, I don't really have much reason to quit.

    If everyone in the world was just like me, I'd say there's no problem with weed at all, treat it exactly how we treat alcohol.

    Of course, that's not how the world works, and for a lot of people, smoking weed isn't something they can just quit on a dime. Also, frequent use of weed, regardless of dependency, is pretty much never a good thing.

    Should weed be legal? Yeah probably. And I do get how bringing up the s*** I just mentioned about weed makes the fight for legalization more difficult. But we probably shouldn't ignore that s*** either...

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply

    Makes sense. And with the psilocybin are you talking like microdosing? Because I always thought it could kind of mess up the mind to trip too much and string you out but that could be a misconception

    I tripped a couple times but I’d like to get some more purpose and productivity

    I mean microdoses and trips are both valid.

    when I say long-term I don't mean like effects of taking the d*** continuously over a long period of time, I mean just the long term effects of taking it once.

    I think as long as people are careful and take the necessary precautions, there's not really a big risk of messing up the mind

    what dosage were ur trips, if u don't mind me asking

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    I mean microdoses and trips are both valid.

    when I say long-term I don't mean like effects of taking the d*** continuously over a long period of time, I mean just the long term effects of taking it once.

    I think as long as people are careful and take the necessary precautions, there's not really a big risk of messing up the mind

    what dosage were ur trips, if u don't mind me asking

    I see, you think smoking weed once can lead to loss of purpose and productivity long term? Or do you mean like short long term lol

    My first was splitting an 8th of shrooms and the second was probably a little more. It was cool and I think maybe it did open my mind to some stuff, this was like 10 years ago as a teenager. Haven’t really had the opportunity or sought it out since then

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply

    I see, you think smoking weed once can lead to loss of purpose and productivity long term? Or do you mean like short long term lol

    My first was splitting an 8th of shrooms and the second was probably a little more. It was cool and I think maybe it did open my mind to some stuff, this was like 10 years ago as a teenager. Haven’t really had the opportunity or sought it out since then

    if u get the chance, try a full eighth for urself. Usually, u gotta enter ego death territory to really feel those effects.

    I don't think smoking weed once will have a serious effect on productivity or purpose, but I do think smoking weed on a frequent basis will negatively affect both. And, usually those who smoke weed end up doing so on a frequent basis.

    With psychedelics, there's not really a desire or incentive to be constantly tripping. Usually, one trip is enough for the foreseeable future.

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    if u get the chance, try a full eighth for urself. Usually, u gotta enter ego death territory to really feel those effects.

    I don't think smoking weed once will have a serious effect on productivity or purpose, but I do think smoking weed on a frequent basis will negatively affect both. And, usually those who smoke weed end up doing so on a frequent basis.

    With psychedelics, there's not really a desire or incentive to be constantly tripping. Usually, one trip is enough for the foreseeable future.

    Makes sense, I appreciate the insight

    I do think my second one was close to an 8th myself but my first trip was more intense. I will probably try it at some point, maybe when they legalize it lol

  • Aug 19, 2022

    Makes sense, I appreciate the insight

    I do think my second one was close to an 8th myself but my first trip was more intense. I will probably try it at some point, maybe when they legalize it lol

    if you do, tag me I wanna know how it goes

  • Aug 19, 2022
    2 replies

    Some of y'all lowkey weak af if you let weed ruin your life... It's definitely a underlying issue with you guys

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply

    Some of y'all lowkey weak af if you let weed ruin your life... It's definitely a underlying issue with you guys

    No s*** lol glad you have no issues

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply

    The fact this thread turned into an anti-weed thread immediately is SICK

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply

    Some of y'all lowkey weak af if you let weed ruin your life... It's definitely a underlying issue with you guys

    idk if u wanna call that weak, its not like there's much u can do to control susceptibility to d*** addiction

  • Aug 19, 2022

    No s*** lol glad you have no issues

    My g I'm bpd

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply

    The fact this thread turned into an anti-weed thread immediately is SICK

    or maybe YOU will be the sick one if you keep smoking that sht !

    jp jp

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    idk if u wanna call that weak, its not like there's much u can do to control susceptibility to d*** addiction

    It's weed fam, just put the blunt down. It's more mental than anything

  • Aug 19, 2022
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    or maybe YOU will be the sick one if you keep smoking that sht !

    jp jp

    I’m actually straight edge (but all for the legalization/decriminalization of weed and these d**** itt) but just icky as a black man rallying against the d*** that the government has unfairly locked my people up over the most