  • Ngl op my anxiety been through the roof lately, at random times I feel panicky and like my heart is bout to jump out of my chest

    Best thing I can say is limit your social media use and news absorption, clear your mind daily and focus on yourself and your goals.

  • Jun 1, 2020

    I had to stop watching and keeping up honestly. It was draining and depressing seeing both the police's horrendous abuse of power and then also innocent people being caught in the crossfire. I hope substantial change comes out of all this but I can't be devoting my life to staying updated anymore

  • Jun 1, 2020

    I'm just praying that some legislation gets passed and we emerge a stronger society with more empathy for each other. At least we can clearly see who's on the right side of history and who's not now.

    There's some bright minds out there who got clear cut plans for our future but unfortunately they're barely in positions of power, hopefully they'll start gaining some support after all this is over though.

  • Jun 1, 2020

    I'm excited and optimistic

    The tree is finally being shaken

    Everything might burn to the ground but we'll leave future generations better off

  • Jun 1, 2020

    It all depends on your perspective. Change is a scary thing, but for some people it's vital to their existence. There is an opportunity for meaningful change in this country, but there's going to be a lot of turbulence and anxiety along the way.

    Your mood will be improved by focusing on the things you can control and maintaining an open mind about the changes ahead. It's possible that we will come out of this stronger than before. Maybe not, but it is possible.

    I have an anxiety disorder and was on meds for it for 18 months because I was so agoraphobic that I could barely function. I was suicidal back in March. I'm telling you now that it's possible to not only find a silver lining in our situation but to benefit from it in some ways. You're stronger than you know, and this is a great opportunity to find what you love, what you believe, find solace in those things, and overcome.

  • Jun 1, 2020

    Hm, idk, isnt this actually all leading to positive change?

  • Jun 1, 2020

    Loook at the whole planet

    Climate change and stuff

  • Jun 1, 2020

    You also still live in absolute luxury compared to like most ppl on this planet

  • Jun 1, 2020

    It’s 2020

    20/20 clear vision

    Things are getting exposed this year. This is a good thing, it’s the start of a shift.

  • Jun 1, 2020

    I'm feeling this too but it's jus another episode of life

  • Jun 1, 2020
    1 reply

    I've been trying to limit myself watching coverage from all of this stuff happening and it's good to not take in too much of it because it can really f*** with you mentally.

    Anyways that being said I'm actually super f***ing depressed (was before but now it's amplified by like 1000 times) from basically seeing the US crumble in half before my eyes.

    Is anyone else really feeling terrible too? I'm entirely scared about my future and I don't know if anything is to be looked for. There is no positivity going on.

    Hey OP totally get where you’re coming from, and would definitely recommend a break from the news (within reason as it’s good to keep informed in times like this) and social media where possible.

    I would say to you tho to try and find the positives in any situation like this. However bad it looks now, we’ve been through much worse as a civilisation and will move past this as well.

    I’m from the UK and even though we have generally had a far less tumultuous recent past than the US, by your age my parents had lived through widespread rioting and strikes (incl. the 3 day week where there was literally no electric power cos of miner strikes) as well as a childhood and adolescence in the shadow of the Cold War. There was also serious problems with racism here and the 1980s had real organised far right politics and street violence on a scale that hasn’t happened before or since. My grandparents had it even worse - they grew up in inner city London, and both had been evacuated to the countryside and forced to live with complete strangers by the age of 10 due to WW2. Going back even further much of my family lived in abject poverty in Ireland.

    So really what I’m saying is that we tend to forget the challenges that every generation has faced - we have our own unique challenges but you can be confident that we will get through those too :).

    In any case, this type of civil disorder is likely to die down soon, particularly as it seems that there likely (hopefully) will be real justice served against the officers involved in the Floyd murder. The pandemic will eventually die down as well and things will gradually get back to normal.

    I think we can be increasingly confident that all these factors taken together will likely lead to Trump losing in November, and while Biden is certainly not perfect I really believe that will go some way to healing divisions in the US. In the longer term, it looks like there is a real strong grassroots political movement taking effect, empowering people who previously felt excluded and looking to create a progressive, inclusive and more equal society - as well as a young generation who are empowered, educated and bold enough to push for that to become a reality

    Tl;dr the future looks bright even if though it may not seem it right now !!!

  • History has shown that the old molt must often be forcefully removed to make way for a new and better future; the fact that people are not complacent and not obedient with abject tyranny should inspire hope, not depression.

    The founding fathers did say that the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants -- it is not reconcilable that Floyd had to become an unwilling martyr to trigger this, but his life will not have been taken in vain if this event dials back a single abuse of police authority.

  • Jun 1, 2020

    Every generation of people have experienced something that would invite doom pandering we are just living through ours
    But this is a issue that hasn't been solved for a while and nothing has helped so this is what it HAS to come to

  • Jun 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Hey OP totally get where you’re coming from, and would definitely recommend a break from the news (within reason as it’s good to keep informed in times like this) and social media where possible.

    I would say to you tho to try and find the positives in any situation like this. However bad it looks now, we’ve been through much worse as a civilisation and will move past this as well.

    I’m from the UK and even though we have generally had a far less tumultuous recent past than the US, by your age my parents had lived through widespread rioting and strikes (incl. the 3 day week where there was literally no electric power cos of miner strikes) as well as a childhood and adolescence in the shadow of the Cold War. There was also serious problems with racism here and the 1980s had real organised far right politics and street violence on a scale that hasn’t happened before or since. My grandparents had it even worse - they grew up in inner city London, and both had been evacuated to the countryside and forced to live with complete strangers by the age of 10 due to WW2. Going back even further much of my family lived in abject poverty in Ireland.

    So really what I’m saying is that we tend to forget the challenges that every generation has faced - we have our own unique challenges but you can be confident that we will get through those too :).

    In any case, this type of civil disorder is likely to die down soon, particularly as it seems that there likely (hopefully) will be real justice served against the officers involved in the Floyd murder. The pandemic will eventually die down as well and things will gradually get back to normal.

    I think we can be increasingly confident that all these factors taken together will likely lead to Trump losing in November, and while Biden is certainly not perfect I really believe that will go some way to healing divisions in the US. In the longer term, it looks like there is a real strong grassroots political movement taking effect, empowering people who previously felt excluded and looking to create a progressive, inclusive and more equal society - as well as a young generation who are empowered, educated and bold enough to push for that to become a reality

    Tl;dr the future looks bright even if though it may not seem it right now !!!

    Thanks for writing this out man, I really appreciate it. This made me feel alot better bro.

  • Jun 1, 2020

    Thanks for writing this out man, I really appreciate it. This made me feel alot better bro.

    Any time bro, it is a v depressing time even here the absolute s*** show that is our government and politics (brexit mainly). We will persevere tho keep positive and stay strong!!!