You should reasses how you speak to people if you want anyone to respect you sir. Now unless you have anything of value to contribute towards the discussion please stay out of my notifications.
It's good that you acknowledge your immaturity in comparison to me. Now go be a good boy and s***post somewhere else.
I think the mistake here is thinking that everyone wants the same thing in life and that you need to have it to be fulfilled. If Leo wanted a wife or family then he'd have one by now.
Its like people who can't understand that there are couples who will never want kids.
I think the idea that because Leo hasn't married or kids he has an empty life is pretty foolish. Have you looked at the divorce rate? Especially among Hollywood celebs. Was Brad Pitt really more happy because he's had a toxic marriage? Johnny Depp? I don't buy that.
Leo is never in any controversies or seems to have had substance problems. He seems to be doing remarkably well compared to a lot of his Hollywood peers who have got to that level of success.
Never said anything about marriage. Just a deeper connection with someone. Clearly he’s searching for that since he’s dating women. Doesn’t seem to be working out though
Never said anything about marriage. Just a deeper connection with someone. Clearly he’s searching for that since he’s dating women. Doesn’t seem to be working out though
How do you know what's inside this man's soul
How do you know what's inside this man's soul
Never said I did. I’m just making an observation since this guy never seems to go a year without dating a woman. If he just wanted to f*** then he wouldn’t incest so much time and effort into relationships. He’s searching for something
Never said I did. I’m just making an observation since this guy never seems to go a year without dating a woman. If he just wanted to f*** then he wouldn’t incest so much time and effort into relationships. He’s searching for something
eh, idk Leo story but in general it don't gotta be that lol dating is fun as hell, and being a bachelor is kinda fire. People today are just idiots and make s*** more complicated than it gotta be
maybe not at the age where they haven't even hit college yet and are already being hit on by one of the richest, most popular dudes in hollywood?
Don’t really get this- she’s presumably heard all about his dating life and doesn’t care. Don’t have to be 25 to know what dating Leo is like, she can make an informed decision.
Women often enjoy dating older men, esp w fame, good looks, etc, and men often enjoy dating younger women. Younger men also enjoy dating cougars in casual contexts. What’s w all the Puritan takes
i think this is pretty much the take I have.
19 is an adult that can make their own decisions. Leo is an attractive and interesting person and I am certain that she is not being coerced or manipulated into being physically attracted to him.
all that being said I can't imagine why you'd want to date someone that young who you fundamentally have very little similarities to.
One thing I wonder is if celebrities like Leo actually have very little in common with a 19 year old. I always hear about how famous people stop mentally aging at the point when they get famous, and his life appears to just be acting, awards shows, vacations on yachts, etc. He’s probably not some well worn, incredibly matured person in the way you may think of an ideal 50 year old man with wisdom is. I’ve met a couple somewhat famous middle aged celebrities who have been big forever, and they definitely feel like they’re in their own little world where typical conventions don’t apply.
Women often enjoy dating older men, esp w fame, good looks, etc, and men often enjoy dating younger women. Younger men also enjoy dating cougars in casual contexts. What’s w all the Puritan takes
the age gap kinda weirds me out but this is true all across the board, i see it everywhere and not just in heterosexual relationships either lol
I'd imagine Leo is likely the most miserable out of all of them lol. He's had countless failed relationships, has no kids, no real companionship and he's 50 years old. It's just gonna get worse from here. I think you're probably young and think this playboy lifestyle is the best but all this guy is left with is emptiness
The niggas who think marriage/kids is the end game of life are the same ones conducting murder suicides of their family.
The niggas who think marriage/kids is the end game of life are the same ones conducting murder suicides of their family.
Literally no correlation lmfao. I didn't say that marriage/kids was the end goal for everyone but it seems to be for this guy. Why keep dating women, investing so much time and energy into each of these relationship unless u want something more?
Literally no correlation lmfao. I didn't say that marriage/kids was the end goal for everyone but it seems to be for this guy. Why keep dating women, investing so much time and energy into each of these relationship unless u want something more?
No grown adult in their right mind would date younger looking for more than just a fling.
The brain gap is too much. Brains aren’t even fully developed until 25 and still they have a lot more growing to do.
No grown adult in their right mind would date younger looking for more than just a fling.
The brain gap is too much. Brains aren’t even fully developed until 25 and still they have a lot more growing to do.
Well Leo is literally doing just that lmfao. If they were just flings, then he wouldn't literally date the women for years. He dated his last girlfriend for 5 years, a girl he knew since she was 12 btw