I'm gonna be 32 in a week and I wouldn't seriously date anyone under 24-25. A hookup, sure, but some of Leo's relationships be lasting a while.
It's Leo's business, and honestly it just makes me laugh at this point, but I do wonder what exactly he looks for in these 5-6 year relationships before he abandons them. If he's just in it for p****, that's one thing, but he's investing a lot into it. I just find it interesting.
I'm gonna be 32 in a week and I wouldn't seriously date anyone under 24-25. A hookup, sure, but some of Leo's relationships be lasting a while.
It's Leo's business, and honestly it just makes me laugh at this point, but I do wonder what exactly he looks for in these 5-6 year relationships before he abandons them. If he's just in it for p****, that's one thing, but he's investing a lot into it. I just find it interesting.
he sucking that life energy
based on that list, hes basically "dating" them for a 1-2 years besides 2 of them. Im thinking these girls are just f*** buddies
If they're f*** buddies then u don't date them and take them everywhere with u like you're in a relationship
If they're f*** buddies then u don't date them and take them everywhere with u like you're in a relationship
well tbh we dont know wtf is going behind the scenes and what hes doing with these girls besides f***ing. Idc anymore
I’m sorry yall, when it becomes this much of a pattern you’re gonna lose some reasonable doubt/start to look funny
Bruh im 23 i would feel weird dating an 18 yr old unless she was super mature for her age which isnt a thing ever
There's no way I'd have the patience to date a 19 year old, and there's no way I could relate to someone fresh out of high school
I do find it really weird he only dates women around that age, but as long as mans isn't breaking laws...it is what it is I guess.
Just imagine being almost 50, and your girlfriend is fresh out of high school and spends her time on tiktok
Like bruh she can't even go to the bar yet
i mean yeah he’s weird for doing it but like some people already said this movement of not holding women accountable until they are like 34 with 2 children gotta stop. she probably just in it for the fun and money so who cares as long as she’s consenting
At what specific age do we start holding women accountable too?