  • Feb 6, 2023

    That man is damn near years old. He's weird as f*** but for chronically dating women that much younger than him but they also grown. so

    I can see if he was caught tryna creep on girls that didn’t want any business with him but this a non issue imo

  • Feb 6, 2023
    2 replies

    How is he being a creep? Do you know what a creep is?

    I guess cause he knew his last girlfriend since she was 12 years old? Pretty creepy

  • Feb 6, 2023

    He’s being a creep lol. Not saying it’s illegal or not consensual or anything like that. It’s just weird and creepy.

    They literally just chillin, no signs of predatory behavior or anything like that. If the age gap is the biggest issue for you idk what to tell you but it sounds worse than it is considering they are both adults.

  • Feb 6, 2023
    1 reply

    I guess cause he knew his last girlfriend since she was 12 years old? Pretty creepy

    Is that the girl in op?

  • Feb 6, 2023

    That >200 price tag boutta make me act up

    Worth it. Wearing my parka from them rn and never once regretted it

  • Feb 6, 2023
    2 replies

    Is that the girl in op?

    Nah the last one he dated

  • Feb 7, 2023

    Nah the last one he dated

    Sketchy on that

  • Feb 7, 2023

    what does he even talk to her about?

  • Feb 7, 2023

    Their conversations probably sound like the dumbest s*** ive ever heard

  • Feb 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Nah the last one he dated

    The one that was 26?

  • Feb 7, 2023
    1 reply
    zeus man

    The one that was 26?

    He broke up with her at 25 i believe. Her name is camila Morrone.
    How they met:

  • Feb 7, 2023

    What's the solution to this problem? These are two legal adults

    Do we raise the "adult" age higher to 21 or something?

    Do we ban relationships with a large age gap?

    there doesn’t need to be a legal solution. some people are just creeps and don’t lead respectable lives in terms of relationships and age manipulation. it’s their freedom and our freedom to call it what it is

    fortunately no one in my circle moves like this, but i’d just advocate calling the behavior out or acting accordingly if it were to occur. personally, if i met someone moving like this I’d just take that as a sign to stay away

  • Feb 7, 2023

    I’m also in the boat of “this is weird and I personally wouldn’t do this” but there ARE people calling him a predator because of this and honestly all it does is lessen what real predators actually are

    id call him a predator. he has an established pattern of approaching and gravitating to young adults. i don’t mind if some ppl disagree w my application of the label. i wonder if he is friends w a bunch of 19yo guys too if he can just relate to younger ppl like that?

  • Feb 7, 2023

    anyone who does this, male or female, has a deranged perception of the opposite sex. which is really sad bc you are robbing yourself of healthy and fulfilling, balanced interactions w half the ppl you encounter! but oh well that’s life

  • Yikes

    The fact that some people are trying to act like this doesn’t have an ominous sense of weirdness to it is bewildering. An average man of that age is not going to have a consistent pattern of dating like he has point blank period. He has absolutely displayed predatory behavior and you’re kidding yourself if you believe that just because she’s 18+ she’s capable of making 100% rational romantic decisions

  • KFA 🏛️
    Feb 7, 2023

    Their conversations probably sound like the dumbest s*** ive ever heard

  • Feb 7, 2023

    Where my "love is love" crowd at now?

  • Feb 7, 2023
    1 reply

    This is 90% of relationships outside of the West. I have female Mexican friends who lust after 60 year old retirees and don’t take broke/average salary men their age seriously as romantic partners

  • Feb 7, 2023
    Don Makaveli
    · edited

    This is 90% of relationships outside of the West. I have female Mexican friends who lust after 60 year old retirees and don’t take broke/average salary men their age seriously as romantic partners

  • Feb 7, 2023

    Yall cockwatching heavy

  • Feb 7, 2023
    Mmm Hmm

    At what specific age do we start holding women accountable too?

    Bro do yall think before you hit post

  • Feb 7, 2023

    This is crazy

  • Feb 7, 2023
  • Feb 7, 2023

    Clearly dude stalks college dorms lol

    If that. Bro posted at the high school bus stop
