SpaceGhostPurrp's Purrple Haze, a tape that was released on Datpiff with no cohesive tracklist and presentation that was meant to be scoffed at. SGP, who had for years been hyper focused on his ego and reluctant to admit the mistakes he's made and expose a shred of the self does so here.
The presentation gets worse than how it looks now. Originally released under the name "HER P**** STANK" with an even more low-res cover, one I had to track down to do what I could to make it look at all better, was meant to hide these pieces behinds the stereotypical Purrp topics.
Fact of the matter is that the cover has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the content of these songs. This is one of the few times where SGP barely talks about poppin' p****. His focus is mainly on honesty and optimism, confronting the self and not having to portray someone he isn't.
Now purrp isn't the best writer, and he doesn't write any of the songs on this tape- he freestyles every single verse off the dome, but because of who he is and the talent he has the rarity and scarcity of the times he can tap into this side of himself and express it creatively is so incredibly rare- to the point that it's like capturing lightning in a bottle.
The first track is extremely reminiscent to the opener of 808s and heartbreaks. The honesty behind this tape however, especially because it's freestyled, may not make it better because of the more clever lines but because of the emotional intensity found behind it all.
There's no need to romanticize sadness or anything, it's just his emotions. He creates a soundscape based not on how he thinks the emotion should be portrayed, but rather it's simply the byproduct of him expressing emotion in real time.
If anyone has listened to spiderland by slint, in a similar vein purrp does something here that, in spiderland's case, for the first few years of it's life was considered absolutely garbage by the few people who were lucky enough to come across it and was heralded by even fewer who carried it to cult status. Both Spiderand's and Purrple Haze's approach to emotion doesn't spell it out, it experiences emotion. Something I have found little of in rap.
Also, the beats are f***ing mental.
There's no doubt few if any will give this a chance, but if you could spare just a half hour and try to approach this with an open mind considering the fact that purrp never did fall off, but rather pursue new things that nobody else had ever done, and that this came from what many fans would consider his undeniably best year on all fronts.
Please try it at least before you post
This is terrible
updated the write-up and removed the embed link. it'd mean a lot if this reached even one open-minded reader but it's alright if it doesn't.
OP isn't lying
The sgp meme needs to end
why does something that isn't accepted by everyone automatically a meme? do you appreciate art on a scale of how many people people around you also like it before you feel comfortable enough to give it a try?
listened to satisfied matrix n liked it; i'll check out the rest later
satisfied matrix is like the epilogue to the tape, also a track that for a while was lost to time
life of a scorpio moon so good
it shows a lonely man lost in the darkness of his mind, spilling out his pain on a beat
no glorification or beautifying it or anything, just emotions and feelings
“swallow your pride cause ima swallow mine”
This whole tape is so raw like im sitting here crying because i relate to it so much
BMW, Mysterious Phonk and IntoXXXicated so much better
Comparing completely different things and also have a s*** view of how artists make music
This whole tape is so raw like im sitting here crying because i relate to it so much