my girlfriend has apple music
this is so stressful
make the switch
apple music local files integration is so clean. it means literally anything u want can be "on streaming" on ur phone if u know how to work it. unreleased, demos, region-locked sht, soundcloud exclusives, etc.
bro i have no idea, i just fell down the rabbit hole one day.. started with bobbalam and then saint klout and just a whole bunch of other people who covered these underground artists
i have tried on many occasions to get into the music, it's not for me but the content these people make about these underground artists is fascinating to say the least
! is a dope youtuber, mf make low quality videos (purposely) but it's HILARIOUS lol
the intro
thank you summrs for saving my life
do u fw benjicold rapping?
this not even top 100 rino tho
sure but it's still good asl
its a good song but its far from perfection, even if his voice wasn't as f***ed as it is nowadays
last one may be goyxrd best beat ever
thank you this s*** majestic
niggas need to sing over these beaats
his bgvs are dreamy
its a good song but its far from perfection, even if his voice wasn't as f***ed as it is nowadays
agree to disagree ๐คทโโ๏ธ
thank you this s*** majestic
niggas need to sing over these beaats
his bgvs are dreamy
lowkey he has the best adlib mixing in the game
lowkey he has the best adlib mixing in the game
thanks OP imma check out more from bro, I dig that lane when people do it right
thanks OP imma check out more from bro, I dig that lane when people do it right
i love looking up his sht on youtube by producer lol. so much gold w him n goyxrd
he will never top this sadly
they dont make music like this anymore...