As usual Emery I agree with you. AD has papa wheely I mean cmon
Wheels and the Legman > Family Guy
Because Klaus is the Meg of the show
Hayley and Brian are both the liberals of their shows
Didnt realize this
Didnt realize this
Brian is insufferable while Hayley is a way more likable character in comparison
Klaus is def funnier then Meg and contributes more to the comedy of American Dad
American Dad >>>> Family Guy
Roger >> Stewie
Klaus >> Meg
Stan >> Peter
Francine >>>> Lois
Hayley >> Brian
Steve > Chris (almost forgot he existed)
Amazing Supporting characters Jeff, Avery Bullock, Principal Lewis
No annoying forced cutaway jokes also
This facts
First 3 seasons of Family Guy >>>> Simpsons, American Dad, King Of The Hill, Rick & Morty & South Park all combined
F***ing dork lol. Simpsons whoops any episode of family guy for 10 seasons
South Park is the only edgy show that aged well out of all of those from back in the day
Can’t imagine watching either