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  • Dec 29, 2021
    · edited

    The problem starts in the household mostly

    Best catch all way to express the problem. It’s much, much more broad in how it began than poor parenting since it has only gotten worse over the past hundred years as a result of other factors. But many problems can be resolved today moving forward starting in the household.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    you got ethered so please delete this dumbass thread and delete your dumbass account you f***ing moron

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Like i said @op This is not a discussion to have on KTT

    Not only are there not enough blacks on this site, this thread shows that theres also not enough people with above room temperature IQ to even have this convo

  • Dec 29, 2021
    2 replies

    Y’all need to watch this, bro literally said MORE ppl started gangbanging after nwa came out

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    radiant child

    Y’all need to watch this, bro literally said MORE ppl started gangbanging after nwa came out


    Climbing before they existed. Must've been a rap group out to explain it

  • Dec 29, 2021

    kanye just bought this up in his drinks interview when he cited how bone thugs were paid by the feds or something to make the music that they made......

    Hip hop as always been an out for people in the hood but now i feel like its the time to re make the rules.....seeing dolph die...then nippsy....its like how could we even allow this to happen especiallY its our own PEOPLE!!!

    we need to start handling our s*** like grown men the best advice was given in friday RIP john witherspoon was telling him why you dont need a gun you got your fist be a man! you lose some you win some but you live to see a new day....

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Climbing before they existed. Must've been a rap group out to explain it

    that just says violent crimes, where's the statistics on gangbanging?

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    radiant child

    that just says violent crimes, where's the statistics on gangbanging?

    check your mother's camera roll

  • Dec 29, 2021

    you got ethered so please delete this dumbass thread and delete your dumbass account you f***ing moron

  • Dec 29, 2021
    Scratchin Mamba

    Although I don't think the premise of this thread - which is that music is the cause of violence on the streets - has much merit.

    I do think there's some obvious truth to this:

    And I know they’ll be people that will say “DOnT BLamE tHe ARt” but that doesn’t apply anymore in this era, black men are legit dying off diss records cuz each side wanted to get more disrespectful.

    But this has more to do with the fact that making music has become more accessible than ever, all you really need is FL. And (not to sound like a dusthead because I listen to it myself, but let's be real) combine that with the standards for technical skills in rap being lower than before, so if you're from the streets there's no real barrier to entry to make music like there was before. Add to that a culture of (mostly suburban middle class white kids) living through artists who portray and more often now actually living the street life (shoutout DJ Akademiks and r/Chiraqology), you have a feedback loop which encourages this violent behavior as @op said. And now you even have drill rappers in the Netherlands getting killed for disses on songs, as funny as that probably sounds to some people on this site.

    But I wouldn't say that the music is something separate which causes this, I think in a very real sense the streets merged with music and these diss songs are now just another medium for street POLITRICKS.

    Right its hard to argue that drill doenst incite violence when theres suddenly kids getting stabbed in The Netherlands over musical beef.

    Not saying there wasnt street violence here before, there definitely was. But it was mostly like real criminals involved in the d*** game. Just last month another 15 year old died in South Rotterdam. That definitely wasnt happening as much before.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    radiant child

    Y’all need to watch this, bro literally said MORE ppl started gangbanging after nwa came out


    Ive heard that the movie Colors kickstarted gangbanging in a lot of cities outside of LA and Chicago.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    check your mother's camera roll

    Come on man

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Hall monitors wanna dictate everything u say on this site

  • Dec 29, 2021
    math fifty

    Like i said @op This is not a discussion to have on KTT

    Not only are there not enough blacks on this site, this thread shows that theres also not enough people with above room temperature IQ to even have this convo

    You get all the black people banned on here

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Nah bad parenting and having children wayy too young is ruining the community more than anything. And this generation of parents regardless of race kinda suck when it comes to enforcement. Social media and d*** use is so common now lot of single mothers just be letting their kids do whatever the f*** they want or even encourage them to commit petty crimes to make chump change to help them cover bills and other BS they should be responsible for. And when you have a kid so young you don’t realize how much responsibility it is and a lot of the time this causes the father to think being a deadbeat is okay something to joke about due to immaturity and by how common it is.

    Obviously crime always existed and was wayyy worse back in the day but now since a lot of famous black men portray violent images a lot of kids in nice situations wanna be like them. Cause who do kids look up to? The rich and famous.

    As a social worker idgaf what you say street rap can be detrimental if your parents aren’t raising you and putting in your head that the music is simply entertainment. Cause I’ve seen this s*** first hand so many times that a young nigga living in west bloomfield or the burbs trynna pop percs and do lean and s*** cause he think its cool from rap culture. Because again young niggas are gonna idolize the celebrity not the accountant making 80k a year happier than the celebrity. Of course its always gone be niggas that live a fast life but my point is a lot of people nowadays don’t even have to but they choose to do it anyways cause they can’t decipher entertainment from reality

  • Dec 29, 2021

    How did it ruin the community that was like it was beforehand. The music is literally a product of the community they grew up in.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    On one hand it’s been very profitable on the other hand it promotes violence and d*** use

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Fox News bout to offer u a scholarship

  • Dec 29, 2021
    Bernie X

    Fox News bout to offer u a scholarship

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    What I don’t get is the idea that this is what rich white people want to destroy the community when they originally tried to shut down NWA

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    What I don’t get is the idea that this is what rich white people want to destroy the community when they originally tried to shut down NWA

    They only tried to shut it down cause it was starting to influence their children/community

  • Dec 29, 2021

    They only tried to shut it down cause it was starting to influence their children/community

    Word that makes sense

  • Dec 29, 2021

    I don’t think some people understand how influential music and movies can be.

    It’s like we’re stuck in a feedback loop

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Govt invented street rap

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