Before I dive into this discussion in earnest , don't you think there are worse things to have accidentally or even intentionally have find their way into your pipe fitters than your own nut ? Now wait a minute dummy , because I can sense your intent to jump to certain conclusions . However , unless you are some kind of bigot , then actually it should not even be necessary for me to preface this statement with a pause or no h****, due to the objectively factual fact that when we get down to brass tax , regardless of whether we are speaky about vegan fueled or halal , animal protein based semen .
Yeah man , imo , as long as you find yourself consuming your own genetic material instead of someone else's yummy cummies , its just one of those things where it's like listen dude mang , the important thing to remember here is just that like , at the end of the day , it seems to me that
ur wasting masterful prose on this site @op
ur wasting masterful prose on this site @op
( Kirk cousins voice ) u like that ?
No bap doe I can't say I disagree with you Roberto , aka Bobby or bobert , aka mr . DaMfBizmoii because on account of the you is known for being about staying on top of dat town biz no Sons of B****es x Red Bull Empire custers involved , and they better not let that go over they head u schmell me , aka sources have also indicated your mother wanted to name u Richard ; meaning i.e we oughta be calling u d***
Real s*** tho bousin i appreciate the way u be tuning in but I need u to let niggas know warra fook gwan on in this a****** bc i got something special planned for tmrw when I return to this thread u Figgy Pudding Diggy Simmons Jessica beel me
alien hominid?
Chill out boi respect my smear before s*** get wicked in this a******
This rapper im workin with looks like a fat version of xxxtentacion and its kinda eerie cus i feel like if we meet irl he finna kill me or sacrifice me on some illuminati demonic s***