  • Aug 20, 2023

    Where do you think Kendrick is going next, both thematically and sonically?

    The end of Mr Morale made me feel like he's done with hiphop and the "game"... but on Hillbillies he seems to be having fun again, and seems to have gotten back his old sense of humour.

    Will he insist on releasing cohesive concept records like GKMC/TPAB/DAMN/MTBS? Or will he be more loose and playful with the music?

  • Aug 20, 2023
    1 reply

    i think he'll experiment in production but keep concepts and lyrics light and comforting

  • Aug 20, 2023
    3 replies

    i don’t think we’re getting another kendrick project i feel like they’ll drop a PGlang album and then he’ll go the 3 stacks route and just do features here and there

  • Aug 20, 2023
    4 replies

    Easily digestible album like DAMN imo

    And it will probably drop next year

    Could potentially be a collab project with Keem

  • Aug 20, 2023
    1 reply

    it’s clear he needs to go back to the drawing board after the the last one

  • Aug 20, 2023
    1 reply

    i don’t think we’re getting another kendrick project i feel like they’ll drop a PGlang album and then he’ll go the 3 stacks route and just do features here and there

    nah, he aint ending on a stinker

  • Aug 20, 2023
    2 replies
    MVP Pinhead

    it’s clear he needs to go back to the drawing board after the the last one


    It went platinum and produced the highest selling rap tour ever.

  • Aug 20, 2023

    Easily digestible album like DAMN imo

    And it will probably drop next year

    Could potentially be a collab project with Keem

    Yes. He'll have to do one of those. Couple Humble-tier tracks for the charts..

  • Aug 20, 2023
    5 replies
    Jim Halpert


    It went platinum and produced the highest selling rap tour ever.

    it was so bad it turned kendrick stans into sales experts like drake stans, yawn

    if it was good we would be speaking on it's musical merit not it's commercial record

  • Aug 20, 2023
    2 replies

    i think he'll experiment in production but keep concepts and lyrics light and comforting


    He hasnt done that yet.

    If anything after Damn it would have been the perfect time to steer away, but he didnt.

    People have been saying this since TPAB but been wrong.

    I dont think he'll go "hardcore" like TPAB, but like Damn n MMBS he'll keep it concept heavy & "worthwhile", while having a handful of mainstream/radio/club songs. As a good inbetween.

    Some people think TPAB "changed" him, but thats wrong - hes been like this since OD and especially since Sxn80. This is him and this is his music. Since always.

    He'll just probably wont coat it in as much mainstream cover up like GKMC nor go as "hard" as TPAB again - at least not for a while.

    MMBS still did incredibly well & produced the hightest Rap tour ever so far - so there is no money incentive to switch either.

    He is still the 2nd to 3rd best selling Rapper outside. While doing what he wants overall.

  • Aug 20, 2023
    Theory Talk Trader

    it was so bad it turned kendrick stans into sales experts like drake stans, yawn

    if it was good we would be speaking on it's musical merit not it's commercial record

    I mean it’s a phenomenal album

    As seen by the packed arenas singing along on tour.

  • Aug 20, 2023
    Jim Halpert


    It went platinum and produced the highest selling rap tour ever.


  • Aug 20, 2023
    Water Giver
    · edited


    He hasnt done that yet.

    If anything after Damn it would have been the perfect time to steer away, but he didnt.

    People have been saying this since TPAB but been wrong.

    I dont think he'll go "hardcore" like TPAB, but like Damn n MMBS he'll keep it concept heavy & "worthwhile", while having a handful of mainstream/radio/club songs. As a good inbetween.

    Some people think TPAB "changed" him, but thats wrong - hes been like this since OD and especially since Sxn80. This is him and this is his music. Since always.

    He'll just probably wont coat it in as much mainstream cover up like GKMC nor go as "hard" as TPAB again - at least not for a while.

    MMBS still did incredibly well & produced the hightest Rap tour ever so far - so there is no money incentive to switch either.

    He is still the 2nd to 3rd best selling Rapper outside. While doing what he wants overall.

    He can go hardcore again if he can successfully pull off a super mainstream project with some radio hits again. The album after that could be "hard" again... I feel like that's been his strategy

  • Aug 20, 2023
    1 reply

    guy needs to alienate his fanbase again with more weird music, ain't no time for chasing hits after the combined success of damn and morale

  • Aug 20, 2023
    2 replies

    He will reference 2Pac

  • Aug 20, 2023
    Theory Talk Trader

    it was so bad it turned kendrick stans into sales experts like drake stans, yawn

    if it was good we would be speaking on it's musical merit not it's commercial record

    It was good

    I liked it a lot

  • Aug 20, 2023
    mr get dough

    He will reference 2Pac

    he gotta think for himself by now

  • Aug 20, 2023
    1 reply

    I think the next album will be less conceptual, more accessible, will perform better commercially and probably critically than Morale but people will say he sold out or is doing this because morale was a flop

    Basically DAMN. era again

  • Aug 20, 2023
    mr get dough

    I think the next album will be less conceptual, more accessible, will perform better commercially and probably critically than Morale but people will say he sold out or is doing this because morale was a flop

    Basically DAMN. era again

  • Aug 20, 2023

    Easily digestible album like DAMN imo

    And it will probably drop next year

    Could potentially be a collab project with Keem

    leave those ghost-written in fridge ready for baby keem to make his fanbase feast pls

  • This made me think about how Kendrick has built such an incredibly diverse discography that even if his next album is all 'fun' s*** like people are saying (etc hillbillies) it would still be different from all of his other albums. That's greatness right there

  • Aug 20, 2023
    2 replies

    Its honestly wild after a 5 year hiatus and being mostly out of the public eye that MMBS was still able to keep up with drakes collab & Travis' project lol.

    The 3 most successful of the decade so far - HMs to Gunna & Kanye.

  • Aug 20, 2023

    i don’t think we’re getting another kendrick project i feel like they’ll drop a PGlang album and then he’ll go the 3 stacks route and just do features here and there

    eh i also see this happenin but it would be a timeline i'm not a fan of

  • Aug 20, 2023
    1 reply

    I think Kendrick pretty much has a cycle

    Super thoughtful and introspective album that gets a lot of his chest then a more fun and accessible album that still addresses heavy themes

    Sxn 80 (Introspective)
    Gkmc (Accessible)
    Tpab (introspective)
    Damn. (Accessible)
    Mr Morale (introspective)
    Next album (accessible)
