I mean Madlib did produce bandana on an ipad and that was one of the best produced albums of the 2010s at least to me
Black people don't try to gatekeep genres, it's when white people come in and disrespect the culture/ our race but continue to bump our music and stans black artists
We need more rappers taking risks and being ambitious.
Thug clones harmonizing over Pi’erre type beats isn’t it and hasn’t been for some time
We need more rappers taking risks and being ambitious.
Thug clones harmonizing over Pi’erre type beats isn’t it and hasn’t been for some time
theres plenty of them doing unique s***
They just don't get very popular because anytime someone does something different they get called corny
theres plenty of them doing unique s***
They just don't get very popular because anytime someone does something different they get called corny
Precisely. It’s a culture problem not a music problem
You know what’s crazy?
When punk rock was first created it was for the rejects of society. Grimes ass music about grimes ass (negative) s***
Now the most popular punk acts are making songs with positive, introspective, satirical lyrics, poking fun at modern day negativity of the music scene. Example:
!https://youtu.be/W2bc25X0E68So what does it tell you if punk music, a brand founded in negativity and being the alternative culture, is now about positivity and self empowerment, what does that say bout the mainstream music scene?
the garden restoring the feeling, new album out the 13th
I wanted to go against op but I had to stop and think, am I really mad because he’s telling the truth and I’m in denial? This is honestly one of the best threads in a minute. It made me sit down and think. A lot of people that never seen a black person in person will look at hip hop and think that of the black community. I mean you kinda see that on here. People have this image of what black people should act like or what they should f*** with.
Why do you say that? Just curious not tryna really dispute your claim
Wasn’t her place to give an unprompted critique of a culture she’s not apart of but borrows from, and does the same s*** (lie in her music) but differentiates pretentiously to put herself above what she disdains.
Facts. I’m in the entertainment industry myself as a career and it’s like some kind of sick joke how black men (and women) are portrayed/used in basically all media representations in the modern day.
What do you do in the industry?
What do you do in the industry?
Film/photography and mass media
Comedian and writer as well
This this this.
If you look at some sad art, it affects your subconscious, makes you feel sad.
Music is art right?
So if you got depressed scummy niggas rapping about scummy depressed s***, how do you think that will impact the listener?
ktt community is too slow to understand this by now
Wasn’t her place to give an unprompted critique of a culture she’s not apart of but borrows from, and does the same s*** (lie in her music) but differentiates pretentiously to put herself above what she disdains.
Valid, thanks for giving a legit response instead of trolling like most people would
rap before kanye was all about being a gangster, he tore that down and opened the door for tyler the creator, who opened the door for other artists. Rap is in the most versatile and best place it has ever been. Yall niggas gotta stfu with that rap is dying bs
you must’ve just got into hip hop huh
if it was listenable then he has the barebones understanding of music theory
knowing which notes go together is still part of theory lmao
you must’ve just got into hip hop huh
im not wrong buddy. The biggest rappers at that time were 50 cents and Kanye beat him. That was the shift in the culture. otherwise please educate me
you must’ve just got into hip hop huh
Honestly. Hip Hop in its inception was not gangster.
Honestly. Hip Hop in its inception was not gangster.
talking about that time period
im not wrong buddy. The biggest rappers at that time were 50 cents and Kanye beat him. That was the shift in the culture. otherwise please educate me
literally google origins of hip hop
there is no way you’re black or American for that matter honestly