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  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    He shouldve got it over westbrook and the first Giannis MVP. MVP is a narrative based award.

    Nah it's not at all. There will always be years where a nigga could have won it.

    The Westbrook year really should have been Kawhi's.

    The Giannis year you talking about the bucks won 60 games and Giannis was at 28/13/6 while being a first team all NBA defender. Stop the cap lol

    Best team / Best player = MVP most of the time.

  • Sep 7, 2021

    im only proud to be WHITE now because i believe young WHITE people can make a positive change for how we are seen by other ethnicities and cultures

    but u got guys like @op who attack white people for listening to music

    im NOT proud of my WHITE ANCESTORS who literally made it so that today's division is based on THEIR actions

    it sucks u didnt get the context because im replying to @op constantly saying he hates white people and accusing white people of s***

    respectfully you’re an idiot

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Uh you seem fine or like a chill dude for the most part, but you should look past being proud of white skin color. You need to be proud your ancestry (ie british/irish/whatever European country). Cause being proud of white in the US is another ball game vs being proud of your own culture as a hispanic, asian, black, or other ethnicity.

    not american and this site isnt america

    but i 100% see your point, not taking away from that

  • Sep 7, 2021

    cant believe OP got this much of a hit thread off of a bait that gets posted every weeek

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Sep 7, 2021

    my point since i came itt

    @op too thick in the head tho

    u gotta take ur L u said u proud to be white in this thread multiple times

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    my point since i came itt

    @op too thick in the head tho

    The first thing you said itt was talking about how Jews aren’t white lmao foh

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    The first thing you said itt was talking about how Jews aren’t white lmao foh

    according to jewish people they aren't

    u never met one IRL then idk? im relaying the infos as a white person who's BEEN told jewish peopel arent white enoiugh times lmao

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    i do hate white people

    white people is the idea and the system yall all benefit from

    u gotta learn this s*** bro u not gonna have a easy life if you like black art and dont realize that you urself are a colonizer

    it’s not that simple

    there’s plenty of cultures from majority white nations who weren’t apart of colonization

    spain, england, etc were the main colonizing nations, you cant say some immigrant white family from idk ireland are colonizers where they were treated poorly when they came to the US.

    it’s a completely reductionary way to look at race relations based on twitter thought that has tried to take over the intellectual sphere for years now

    you gotta realize, when it’s all said and done, rich people gonna take care of rich people.

    you think a wealthy white family gonna save a poor white family when s*** hits the fan? you think a rich black family gonna save a poor black family when s*** hits the fan?

    nah, both of those rich families are taking a private jet to safety while all the poor families suffer

  • Why this got 35 pages

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Sep 7, 2021
    · edited

    according to jewish people they aren't

    u never met one IRL then idk? im relaying the infos as a white person who's BEEN told jewish peopel arent white enoiugh times lmao

    anyone that looks white is white

  • The fact that a white man who's never seen a black person experience the Holy Ghost in person inside of a black church, can evaluate and profit off of giving his opinion on Kanye West's music says everything you need to know about how the game is f***ed up beyond repair.

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Literally who cares

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Nah it's not at all. There will always be years where a nigga could have won it.

    The Westbrook year really should have been Kawhi's.

    The Giannis year you talking about the bucks won 60 games and Giannis was at 28/13/6 while being a first team all NBA defender. Stop the cap lol

    Best team / Best player = MVP most of the time.

    I feel you but Harden was giving niggas 36 a game. #Respectfully

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Sep 7, 2021
    hot pancakes

    it’s not that simple

    there’s plenty of cultures from majority white nations who weren’t apart of colonization

    spain, england, etc were the main colonizing nations, you cant say some immigrant white family from idk ireland are colonizers where they were treated poorly when they came to the US.

    it’s a completely reductionary way to look at race relations based on twitter thought that has tried to take over the intellectual sphere for years now

    you gotta realize, when it’s all said and done, rich people gonna take care of rich people.

    you think a wealthy white family gonna save a poor white family when s*** hits the fan? you think a rich black family gonna save a poor black family when s*** hits the fan?

    nah, both of those rich families are taking a private jet to safety while all the poor families suffer


  • Sep 7, 2021

    how do you openly say ur proud to be white in 2021 nigga read the room

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Whole thread is cope

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