  • Aug 25, 2021

    I feel u but being anti consumerism does not mean anti capitalist. I think many aren’t anti capitalist but just anti how the system is now capitalism is fine but not when it’s abused to how it is now

    Gotta remember though basquiat was anti system in the 80s and capitalism today is a whole different beast from that
    Can’t imagine he’d be remotely pro the current form of capitalism

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    i like hov having freeforms tho

    culturally thats important

    him being a black billionaire with freeform locs is crucial. Look at all the white men criticizing it telling him to "fix" his hair. For years black men in business have had to strip down their culture and get a "clean cut"

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    OP ain’t s***

  • Aug 25, 2021
    3 replies

    Yes idiot u said he sold his art to cop heroin which isn’t true… he thought it made his s*** better than when he wasn’t on it cause his life changed so fast so drastically theres a f***ing difference

    No its well documented in documentaries from people that were there that he would turn them out quick to cop more heron. You can like it or not but either way eat a d***.

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply
    The Pause Police

    No its well documented in documentaries from people that were there that he would turn them out quick to cop more heron. You can like it or not but either way eat a d***.

    I respect it
    Turning art into money and money into heroin
    True revolutionary of his time

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    also a point i wanna make regarding op...

    basquiat spent a lot of time losing at capitalism and spent the end of his life winning at capitalism. winning or losing in the system is not an endorsement or criticism.

    becoming rich and pimping out ur success is basically just taking advantage of capitalism. u can take advantage of a broken system and still not endorse it at all.

    Real for coming with a thought out discussion. Maybe you right.

  • Aug 25, 2021

    OP ain’t s***

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply
    Moses X

    I respect it
    Turning art into money and money into heroin
    True revolutionary of his time

    basquiat use to hide his arms from Warhol cus he knew Warhol hated him f***ing with dog food. Basquiat the goat. F***ed Madonna.

  • Aug 25, 2021

    Niggas need to get a bag and stop b****ing. Young!

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    him being a black billionaire with freeform locs is crucial. Look at all the white men criticizing it telling him to "fix" his hair. For years black men in business have had to strip down their culture and get a "clean cut"

    Who’s told him to fix his hair? I think more black people have tbh

  • Aug 25, 2021

    He ate dog food?

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply
    The Pause Police

    No its well documented in documentaries from people that were there that he would turn them out quick to cop more heron. You can like it or not but either way eat a d***.

    I know more about him than u I promise u. U are f***ing wrong

    At one point his paintings were going down in value because he was pushing so much out and he didn’t understand why because it was the same or better than what he’d been doing. So he turned to d**** and that gave him a new “passion”. Shut the f*** up speaking on s*** u don’t know

  • Aug 25, 2021
    2 replies

    Anyway, “name one genius that ain’t crazy”

  • Aug 25, 2021

    Anyway, “name one genius that ain’t crazy”

    Ahahaha he's not crazy cos he had a d*** addiction ahahaha

  • Aug 25, 2021

    SANGUINE one hard as f***ing hell

    this the dude who did j cole cover?


  • Aug 25, 2021

    Who’s told him to fix his hair? I think more black people have tbh

    both sides bro and it just shows u the disconnect from our culture. Most of these black people have never even heard of freeform locs

  • Aug 25, 2021
    3 replies
    The Pause Police

    Real for coming with a thought out discussion. Maybe you right.

    think abt it like u believe the lottery is a f***ed up system. u can win the lottery and benefit personally and still be anti-lottery. u don't owe anything to the system lol. just bc it decides to treat u well after years of f***ing u over doesn't mean ur obligated to defend it.

    in a capitalist system there will be rich people. Somebody has to end up rich in this system, whether they deserve it or not, and getting rich in the system has almost nothing to do with hard work, personal beliefs, whether u like the system or not, etc. all that really matters is luck.

    in other words, being rich isn't a sin. at the root of wealth is the exploitation of others, sure. but that doesn't mean the person who ends up with that wealth in the end necessarily exploited anybody. wealth sort of just floats around. there is no rule other than it tends to gravitate towards those who already have some wealth, and even that has plenty of exceptions.

  • Aug 25, 2021

    I feel u but being anti consumerism does not mean anti capitalist. I think many aren’t anti capitalist but just anti how the system is now capitalism is fine but not when it’s abused to how it is now

    Bro capitalism has been the same since the Dutch East India Company colonised India.

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    think abt it like u believe the lottery is a f***ed up system. u can win the lottery and benefit personally and still be anti-lottery. u don't owe anything to the system lol. just bc it decides to treat u well after years of f***ing u over doesn't mean ur obligated to defend it.

    in a capitalist system there will be rich people. Somebody has to end up rich in this system, whether they deserve it or not, and getting rich in the system has almost nothing to do with hard work, personal beliefs, whether u like the system or not, etc. all that really matters is luck.

    in other words, being rich isn't a sin. at the root of wealth is the exploitation of others, sure. but that doesn't mean the person who ends up with that wealth in the end necessarily exploited anybody. wealth sort of just floats around. there is no rule other than it tends to gravitate towards those who already have some wealth, and even that has plenty of exceptions.

    True there's even rich ppl under communism, rich party members and leaders, KGB agents

  • Aug 25, 2021

    There's nothing wrong. End Thread. Live your life find your Jay z or Beyonce shut up and have kids

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    think abt it like u believe the lottery is a f***ed up system. u can win the lottery and benefit personally and still be anti-lottery. u don't owe anything to the system lol. just bc it decides to treat u well after years of f***ing u over doesn't mean ur obligated to defend it.

    in a capitalist system there will be rich people. Somebody has to end up rich in this system, whether they deserve it or not, and getting rich in the system has almost nothing to do with hard work, personal beliefs, whether u like the system or not, etc. all that really matters is luck.

    in other words, being rich isn't a sin. at the root of wealth is the exploitation of others, sure. but that doesn't mean the person who ends up with that wealth in the end necessarily exploited anybody. wealth sort of just floats around. there is no rule other than it tends to gravitate towards those who already have some wealth, and even that has plenty of exceptions.

    Lmao at last paragraph

  • Aug 25, 2021

    bruh, every kindergarten class has a Basquiat. lol if a kid knew what capitalism was they'd draw that stuff

  • Jay Z is a piece of s***

  • Aug 25, 2021

    proud to get this in on the first page so the rest of the thread is coded racism against hoteps

    I'm not even ready for this one :word:

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    think abt it like u believe the lottery is a f***ed up system. u can win the lottery and benefit personally and still be anti-lottery. u don't owe anything to the system lol. just bc it decides to treat u well after years of f***ing u over doesn't mean ur obligated to defend it.

    in a capitalist system there will be rich people. Somebody has to end up rich in this system, whether they deserve it or not, and getting rich in the system has almost nothing to do with hard work, personal beliefs, whether u like the system or not, etc. all that really matters is luck.

    in other words, being rich isn't a sin. at the root of wealth is the exploitation of others, sure. but that doesn't mean the person who ends up with that wealth in the end necessarily exploited anybody. wealth sort of just floats around. there is no rule other than it tends to gravitate towards those who already have some wealth, and even that has plenty of exceptions.

    Wouldn't you gaming the system mean that ur perpetuating the system tho ?
