  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    I know more about him than u I promise u. U are f***ing wrong

    At one point his paintings were going down in value because he was pushing so much out and he didn’t understand why because it was the same or better than what he’d been doing. So he turned to d**** and that gave him a new “passion”. Shut the f*** up speaking on s*** u don’t know

    I'm QUOTING people that knew him and were around him. How bout you shut the f*** up. Yo b**** ass was prolly born post 2000. I'm not gonna trust your source of "trust me bro"

  • Aug 25, 2021

    The way we consume damn near anything is highly dependent on heavy exploitation. We all can’t help but be flawed in that way. It’s only right to call out Beyonce’s performative wokeness. There’s gotta be some sort of understanding for people not being perfect though.

    yea lol

    no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism. to live the life we want, we have to buy stuff. It's optional only in concept. In practice, capitalism is a social contract we are forced into against our will. We don't really have a choice but to engage in the system, as unethical as it is.

    Boycotts and "don't support unethical companies" campaigns are based on the idea that money and revenue goes to the entities that deserve it. which is the central idea of capitalism. and we know that doesn't work. You can't fix a broken system if ur still playing by its rules.

    I didn't explain why/how capitalism doesn't work, thats assumed in the argument above. I coulddd do that but i felt like keeping it brief lol.

    basically, the only reasonable way to get around participating in capitalism is a top down change, until that happens you can't rlly hold people accountable for working within its guidelines. Hence why the "communism means no iphone" argument is kind of ed.

  • Aug 25, 2021
    2 replies

    this is scary true. that queen bey s*** was played out i dont know a single women that plays bey in 2021 and no actual real breathing human listens to/thinks about jay z in 2021 either

  • Aug 25, 2021
    fashion killa

    ur seeing the forest for the trees if u think rich people are the issue more than the system at large.

    that's not what I got from your post lmao
    You said rich people didn't necessarily exploit anybody and wealth tends to float around them - that's the laughable part imo but whatever

  • Aug 25, 2021


  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    this is scary true. that queen bey s*** was played out i dont know a single women that plays bey in 2021 and no actual real breathing human listens to/thinks about jay z in 2021 either

    how many women do you know
    edit: cant believe i fell for this

  • Aug 25, 2021

    whats wrong with capitalism

  • Aug 25, 2021

    KTT put me on to some nice modern painters please

    me b****

  • user

    i like hov having freeforms tho

    culturally thats important

  • even if this is a troll this post mad ignorant lol but i don’t even think i gotta say anything bc u trying too hard

  • user

    proud to get this in on the first page so the rest of the thread is coded racism against hoteps

    nah i’m tired of the coded racism against hôtels them niggas dumb as hell but dead survived crack era i don’t even blame me for being like that

  • Oblivion X

    Funny enough, the same way they tried to paint frank as anti-capitalist/materialistic lmao

    y’all doing too much fr

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply
    The Pause Police

    I'm QUOTING people that knew him and were around him. How bout you shut the f*** up. Yo b**** ass was prolly born post 2000. I'm not gonna trust your source of "trust me bro"

    So am I u f***ing d***head

  • Aug 25, 2021

    just another day for white people and gambino tier blacks to complain

  • Aug 25, 2021

    If you got a problem with capitalism go move to peru or somethin

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    So am I u f***ing d***head

    if 3 people that were with him, word for word are saying what I'm saying idk what to tell you

  • Aug 25, 2021

    how many women do you know
    edit: cant believe i fell for this

    You fell for it

  • Aug 25, 2021

    Imagine being white holy s*** thats horrible

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply

    this is scary true. that queen bey s*** was played out i dont know a single women that plays bey in 2021 and no actual real breathing human listens to/thinks about jay z in 2021 either

    2 likes but 13 replies is crazy 😭😭😭

  • Aug 25, 2021
    mr get dough

    2 likes but 13 replies is crazy 😭😭😭

    I can't believe how dumb alot of u niggas are for falling for this s*** wtf

  • quadra

    Hi wyd

  • Aug 25, 2021
    1 reply
    The Pause Police

    No its well documented in documentaries from people that were there that he would turn them out quick to cop more heron. You can like it or not but either way eat a d***.

    This the type of unfounded rumors whites love spreading about black people , same as what they did to Dave Chapple

  • Aug 25, 2021

    jay doesnt even got quotables like that

    He has the most ???

  • Aug 25, 2021

    This the type of unfounded rumors whites love spreading about black people , same as what they did to Dave Chapple

    Fab 5 Freddie was one them

  • Aug 25, 2021
    2 replies
    The Pause Police

    if 3 people that were with him, word for word are saying what I'm saying idk what to tell you

    Ur wrong nigga just listen to me
