gotta suck d*** on your period
can’t say no i ain’t hearing it
bro of she dont wanna hear it i mma punch her
jk but im fr
I havent stopped futsal shuffling since it dropped
im throwing out sick dance elktro dance moves bruh this aint me but wtf
do people eat sucuk in USA and is it called sucuk in english too
bro these cacs wouldnt know how to appreciate the sucuk
i dont blame em tho they were born with bad taste palette genetics
Song is so fun love dancing to it
Love pretending like I get girls and my w**** of an ex girlfriend didn’t break up with me over a text message in the middle of my shift out of the blue after five years of dating
bro these cacs wouldnt know how to appreciate the sucuk
i dont blame em tho they were born with bad taste palette genetics
Imagine having a breakfast without eating sucuk
cant believe that some people eat cereals and call it a breakfast tbh
love uzi so much hope he kills it next year
i just listened to this song for the first time and it got me hyed for eternal whatever
i didnt want to listen at first because i heard the snippet and it sounded like some elektro s*** but damn this is it
the sound of 2k2wenty
Imagine having a breakfast without eating sucuk
cant believe that some people eat cereals and call it a breakfast tbh
nerde yasiyon?
Love pretending like I get girls and my w**** of an ex girlfriend didn’t break up with me over a text message in the middle of my shift out of the blue after five years of dating
this me except the part where i used to have a gf
hollanda ama istanbula ugramak istiyom sene bitmeden kizlar varmi?
Hello Istanbul, Cuomo savant, por favor madmoiselle?
Love pretending like I get girls and my w**** of an ex girlfriend didn’t break up with me over a text message in the middle of my shift out of the blue after five years of dating
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