  • Updated Dec 6, 2021

    slow day today im real tired of bait threads (ignore the first page we just discussing what to call this)

    so drop your fave VT tapes

    IMO one of the best

    also great


  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    im gonna accept it

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    @op imma level w u I don't think u kno what plugg means

  • Dec 6, 2021
    3 replies
    fashion killa

    @op imma level w u I don't think u kno what plugg means

    bro u are salty af

    plugg beyond just slay bro

    talking the gnealz plugg sound plus the xangang n s*** sound + i think the new guys from houston sound similar

    faygo isnt plugg? yeat isnt plugg? i said that people wouldnt consider HVN plugg but i see the similarities

    instead of wasting ur time hating go astroturf for autumn in here if u like its fine w me

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    I was juggin finessin n flexin till I ran into the plugg

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    dumbass couldve just posted an autumn album cover and it wouldve been good

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Someone put me on to they fave songs. Not fw it much if at all.

  • Dec 6, 2021
    2 replies

    Could I get a breakdown on what plugg is? I've heard a lot of the music that gets brought up whenever it gets mentioned I just didn't know it was a whole thing (my stupid ass didn't even think about beyond hearing it in beat tags )

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    bro u are salty af

    plugg beyond just slay bro

    talking the gnealz plugg sound plus the xangang n s*** sound + i think the new guys from houston sound similar

    faygo isnt plugg? yeat isnt plugg? i said that people wouldnt consider HVN plugg but i see the similarities

    instead of wasting ur time hating go astroturf for autumn in here if u like its fine w me

    ok now I rlly rlly don't think u know what plugg means

    what do you take plugg to mean

  • Dec 6, 2021
    2 replies
    Invader HIM

    Someone put me on to they fave songs. Not fw it much if at all.

    bet family

    this my favourite for sure

    are you? off im so me by yeat is great but i cant find a link sorry

    this is HVN (not exactly plugg)


  • Dec 6, 2021

    Could I get a breakdown on what plugg is? I've heard a lot of the music that gets brought up whenever it gets mentioned I just didn't know it was a whole thing (my stupid ass didn't even think about beyond hearing it in beat tags )

    mostly the sound that summrs and s*** have but IMO its up for discussion

    happy synthy beats, usually rapping is punched in and melodic

    to me its mostly in these usually happy very synthy beats with the trap drums and u know everyone does it in their own way, im not just counting carbon copies of slay

  • Dec 6, 2021
    fashion killa

    ok now I rlly rlly don't think u know what plugg means

    what do you take plugg to mean

    u can look at the post above broski

    this is what i'd call plugg

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    imma be real there isnt any actual really great plugg tapes
    all the really good og s*** is just random songs
    the tapes were only with rappers who were just aight like diego money, flee, or summ
    theres are some good s*** in the new wave type stuff but its mostly mid but the tapes are prolly better put together
    but idk the best plugg tape is prolly one of those yung bans eps or something

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    imma be real there isnt any actual really great plugg tapes
    all the really good og s*** is just random songs
    the tapes were only with rappers who were just aight like diego money, flee, or summ
    theres are some good s*** in the new wave type stuff but its mostly mid but the tapes are prolly better put together
    but idk the best plugg tape is prolly one of those yung bans eps or something

    yung bns 1-3 and 5 great tapes

    i never really got into flee, post a few good songs

    dont realy know diego money

    i think faygo is plugg and angelic 7 is a top tier tape

  • Dec 6, 2021
    2 replies

    Could I get a breakdown on what plugg is? I've heard a lot of the music that gets brought up whenever it gets mentioned I just didn't know it was a whole thing (my stupid ass didn't even think about beyond hearing it in beat tags )

    beatpluggz is a collective made up of poloboyshawty, stupidxool, Corey Lingo, and mexikodro

    they developed a style that was basically a reinterpretation of zaytoven type beats. most of their drums came from old zaytoven kits and stuff.

    it sounded like this:

    People really liked it, producers online started making beatpluggz type beats. eventually, there got to be so many beatpluggz clones and artists using beatpluggz type beats that it became a mini-genre. A lot of these guys mixed the plugg sound with rnb influences and u got a subgenera of plugg called pluggnb. Guys like cashcache and of course the original beatpluggz never stopped making plugg tho.

    some modern examples of plugg might be

    Notice how none of this sounds like the albums OP linked? I really don't think he knows what plugg means...

  • Dec 6, 2021
    2 replies

    bet family

    this my favourite for sure


    are you? off im so me by yeat is great but i cant find a link sorry

    this is HVN (not exactly plugg)




    while all three of these are fine songs not a single one is plugg

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    beatpluggz is a collective made up of poloboyshawty, stupidxool, Corey Lingo, and mexikodro

    they developed a style that was basically a reinterpretation of zaytoven type beats. most of their drums came from old zaytoven kits and stuff.

    it sounded like this:


    People really liked it, producers online started making beatpluggz type beats. eventually, there got to be so many beatpluggz clones and artists using beatpluggz type beats that it became a mini-genre. A lot of these guys mixed the plugg sound with rnb influences and u got a subgenera of plugg called pluggnb. Guys like cashcache and of course the original beatpluggz never stopped making plugg tho.

    some modern examples of plugg might be


    Notice how none of this sounds like the albums OP linked? I really don't think he knows what plugg means...

    bro i understand u are mad

    we're on a forum talking and discussing

    what u posted: plugg

    what i posted: plugg

    im allowed to talk about genre how i want

    anyway thank u for actually posting some music

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    while all three of these are fine songs not a single one is plugg

    im defining plugg as we speak

  • Dec 6, 2021
    fashion killa

    while all three of these are fine songs not a single one is plugg

    im not even mad u dont think its plugg, ur allowed to not think they are

    its just a s***ty attitude and way of discussing

  • Dec 6, 2021
    2 replies

    bro i understand u are mad

    we're on a forum talking and discussing

    what u posted: plugg

    what i posted: plugg

    im allowed to talk about genre how i want

    anyway thank u for actually posting some music

    im not mad im just kinda surprised at how poorly u understand what plugg means lol

    it refers entirely to production style. plugg just means ur using a beatpluggz type beat. and I hate to break it to ya but somehow you haven't linked a single song that fits that criteria.

    promise im not mad its just kinda funny

  • Dec 6, 2021

    yung bns 1-3 and 5 great tapes

    i never really got into flee, post a few good songs

    dont realy know diego money

    i think faygo is plugg and angelic 7 is a top tier tape

    i mean i dont really fw flee and diego that much i was just saying they were the ones who actually had full tapes and s***
    i dont really listen to faygo like that but it seems like some his s*** is similar idk
    but here some of favorites that arent justsuper basic choices

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    im not mad im just kinda surprised at how poorly u understand what plugg means lol

    it refers entirely to production style. plugg just means ur using a beatpluggz type beat. and I hate to break it to ya but somehow you haven't linked a single song that fits that criteria.

    promise im not mad its just kinda funny

    yeah like i reckon thats not what plugg is

    i explained what plugg is to me i dont think its just a beatpluggz beat im talking about this style

  • Dec 6, 2021
    1 reply

    bet family

    this my favourite for sure


    are you? off im so me by yeat is great but i cant find a link sorry

    this is HVN (not exactly plugg)




    Bet. Imma ave to check out more of HVN.

  • Dec 6, 2021
    2 replies

    im defining plugg as we speak

    thats not how it works tho I can't just go around calling polo g boom bap and tell mfs "im defining boom bap as we speak" when they check me