Witnesses tell us Liam and Maya were able >to get in at first -- having been recognized >by others -- but later came this dust-up >with security. In this clip, you see Liam -- >who's wearing a white shirt with a bunch of >dirt on his back -- trying to come face-to->face with a bouncer, or possibly several. >He's being held back, and at one point you >hear him say, "Don't f***ing push me again. >I swear to God I'll lay your ass out."
Witnesses tell us Liam was, in fact, pushed >to the ground -- hence the dirt on his back >-- after he and Maya left and tried to >reenter the bar. We're told security stopped >them because of Maya's age, and when >Liam tried forcing his way in ... he allegedly >got shoved to the ground and followed up >with this."
imagine if liam was black, this would be on page 200 by now
Back to loser-twitter you go.
we only care about harry and zayn lmao
Not even Zayn tbh. Keep everyone but Harry