  • YoungNastyShawty

    This sound like something Webbie woulda rapped over in 2008.

    Too on point with this

  • sounds like nle choppa

  • Xile44

    He bout to get memed into a hit

    The dichotomy is . the s*** kinda goes hard, it just sound outdated af

    Hope people don't snippetitis themselves on this

  • Jan 2
    2 replies

    How do you even tap into this sound as 26 year old

  • Jan 2
    3 replies
  • Bro I didn’t expect this s*** to be hard wtf

  • Jan 2
    2 replies

    I’m happy for Gelo!

    Everyone doing hot boy remixes to this haha.

    Poor Zo tho. Melo surpassed him in hoops and now Gelo surpassing him in rap

  • Jan 2

    This is crazy cuz it’s better than his ball career

  • Niggamortis

    And I heard that she wanna SHOOOOOooooOooowwW

  • S*** sound like it came straight off Nellyville

  • My brain got this on repeat

  • Might as well collab with the “we was at the club” guy from a few years back their musics trapped in a club in the 2000s 😂

  • Xile44

    He bout to get memed into a hit

    The dichotomy is . the s*** kinda goes hard, it just sound outdated af

    honestly this so outdated it kinda loops back to being trendy

  • Water Giver

    in his defense he is named youngnastyshawty, kinda a misdirection

  • he needs to get birdman in the video

  • Jan 2
    1 reply

    How do you even tap into this sound as 26 year old

    as a 26 year old some of my earliest memories was my brother playing birdman, mannie fresh, and juvie so it’s a core for formative memory for a lot of people our age probably

  • Jan 2

    cdq goes dummy hard

  • Song sounds hard but he missing some of that Nola/Baton Rouge energy needed

  • I been laughing at this Nelly jaekwon ass song for days lmao

  • S*** sounds like some bootleg Mannie Fresh. Can't believe people are hyping this up.

  • Classique

    as a 26 year old some of my earliest memories was my brother playing birdman, mannie fresh, and juvie so it’s a core for formative memory for a lot of people our age probably

    Good point

  • Vietbrah

    This f***in killed me when I saw it

  • BRUNTZ 🖤
    Jan 2
    1 reply
  • Jan 2
    2 replies