The more I play this the less dated it sounds. Like can someone even show me a song that sounds close to this from that time period. I think the song is influenced from that era a little bit but overall this is sounding like some present Florida s*** to me mainly which is heavily influenced by New Orleans in itself
Can LiAngelo become a legit artist or is this just a flash in the pan?
just enjoy the ride while it lasts
as far as we’re concerned, he’s 2/2 and legit NOBODY expected any of this
apparently these dudes are the actual producers, not liangelo
Scandal already
Feel like a song hasn’t caught on like this in a while. Really hope Gelo is able to make a legit career outta this momentum. Rap needs new stars
Overlooked part of this song's release is the single cover that looks like something out of the Jerk era and that Gelo is sitting on complete air
#27 on Apple Music
Outstreaming basically everything that isn't off gnx, Bad Bunny new album, or Lil Baby's
Damn he made like 75 dollars.
Young money
now 24 on US spotify
Bruh only has one song out and is already on a Festival
The third row even