  • Water Giver

    Ok the first level was meh but the 2nd level and its design is spicy

    it only gets better

  • Putting the Sekiro parry and the Bloodborne rally system all into one is a genius move

  • Sep 19, 2023

    since there is no multiplayer i should be able to pause and go into a photo mode

  • Sep 19, 2023
    1 reply

    the game can be beautiful when it wants to be

    This area was dope, just finished it. That mini boss got me good tho

  • Sep 19, 2023

    King of Puppets

  • Sep 19, 2023
    1 reply

    This area was dope, just finished it. That mini boss got me good tho

    I had to cheese him with throwables lol but I ended up beating the main boss without a summon

  • pretty good guide for star fragment farming if you’re struggling on a boss

  • Sep 19, 2023

    I had to cheese him with throwables lol but I ended up beating the main boss without a summon

    Lmao sometimes it be like that, beating the boss without a summon is hard tho
    I had to use throwables on the boss in the area after, that fight was some bullshit

  • Sep 19, 2023
    Trash Star

    if the other records are this good


    listened to that one like 3 times last night lmfao s*** is hard

  • Sep 20, 2023

    really f***ing with this so far

  • Sep 20, 2023
    1 reply

    I was addicted to Elden ring , is this worth the buy ?

  • Sep 20, 2023
    HURRY UP ninety98

    I was addicted to Elden ring , is this worth the buy ?

    It’s a lot more linear than er is but if you’re just a fan of fromsoft games in general you should definitely give it a shot. If you’ve got access to something that can get it through gamepass that’d be my suggestion instead of outright buying it, it doesn’t seem to click for some people even if they normally enjoy from games.

  • Sep 20, 2023
    1 reply

    game’s dripping with atmosphere

  • just (with sound, makes it so much better)

  • for this being the studios first real game the quality’s insane, whatever they decide to make next deserves a massive triple A budget

  • Sep 20, 2023
    1 reply

    fallen archbishop was hard af

    so far my only two complaints are the amount of attacks that knock you down and the stagger window.

    it feels like i'm constantly getting thrown to the ground during boss fights and the animation to get up is incredibly slow. there's been a number of times where i get knocked down and then by the time i get up and have control again another attack from the boss is mid animation and i get hit without really having a chance to block or dodge

    the stagger window is also incredibly inconsistent, even with the upgrade. sometimes it feels like you only get one chance to land a heavy charge attack before the stagger window disappears, and if you miss or get hit out of the animation then your opportunity is gone. then other times it feels like you have more than enough time to find an opening to charge an attack. i'm assuming the stagger window is dependent on the enemy, so it'd be nice to have some sort of bar or gauge that shows you how much longer they'll be staggered rather than just a flashing health bar

    other than those two things i'm really enjoying this so far

  • Sep 20, 2023

    love the Cathedral area a lot

    also love how unique and special each human npc is from good guys to stalkers

  • Sep 20, 2023

    the game can be beautiful when it wants to be

    just finished this area, game is fiiiire

  • Sep 21, 2023

    the bone cutting saw blade on the police baton handle is nice

    you end up with pretty good speed for a greatsword and a very fast full charged heavy attack

  • Sep 21, 2023

    bro the archbishop is way too hard lmao

  • Sep 21, 2023
    Trash Star

    fallen archbishop was hard af

    so far my only two complaints are the amount of attacks that knock you down and the stagger window.

    it feels like i'm constantly getting thrown to the ground during boss fights and the animation to get up is incredibly slow. there's been a number of times where i get knocked down and then by the time i get up and have control again another attack from the boss is mid animation and i get hit without really having a chance to block or dodge

    the stagger window is also incredibly inconsistent, even with the upgrade. sometimes it feels like you only get one chance to land a heavy charge attack before the stagger window disappears, and if you miss or get hit out of the animation then your opportunity is gone. then other times it feels like you have more than enough time to find an opening to charge an attack. i'm assuming the stagger window is dependent on the enemy, so it'd be nice to have some sort of bar or gauge that shows you how much longer they'll be staggered rather than just a flashing health bar

    other than those two things i'm really enjoying this so far

    just found out there's a dodge skill + animation for when ur laying on the ground and more than enough Quartz to unlock it via Geppetto's chair

  • Sep 21, 2023

    game’s dripping with atmosphere

    damn this looks amazing. Def gonna cop at some point

  • Sep 22, 2023

    One hour in and I’m already f***ing with this heavy

  • Sep 22, 2023
    1 reply

    First time playing a game like this, really enjoy the combat & overall feel

    Can't beat the Parade Master for s*** lmao, got 0 throwables and just get smoked once the second phase starts

  • Sep 22, 2023
    1 reply

    First time playing a game like this, really enjoy the combat & overall feel

    Can't beat the Parade Master for s*** lmao, got 0 throwables and just get smoked once the second phase starts

    just gotta take it slow and make sure you’re parrying the attacks, the timing for him takes a little while to get a feel for but it’ll click eventually
