reddit users complaining about vidya difficulty should have been your first guess to not regard their opinions xD
this game looks amazing though, wishlisted recently.
edit omg I was making a reddit joke but holy s***ttttt:
"I can’t count how many times I’ve died because I’ve been standing still, mashing the heal button, and Pinocchio straight up refuses to heal, and then gets clobbered."
aka: what you mean standing still in line of sight of an enemy gets me hit >:(
reddit users complaining about vidya difficulty should have been your first guess to not regard their opinions xD
this game looks amazing though, wishlisted recently.
edit omg I was making a reddit joke but holy s***ttttt:
"I can’t count how many times I’ve died because I’ve been standing still, mashing the heal button, and Pinocchio straight up refuses to heal, and then gets clobbered."
aka: what you mean standing still in line of sight of an enemy gets me hit >:(
Just copped this and I’m f***ing blown away. I can’t believe I’m so late to this game but I now understand why this was so many people’s GOTY. This is TRULY the spiritual successor to Bloodborne and I haven’t had this much fun with a game in a long time.
late but really enjoying this so far.
also the atmosphere/music is incredible. the main menu theme and this
I'm on my 3rd playthrough of this rn, absolutely perfect to hold over til Elden Ring dlc, this is 100% the best souls like
Where's the dlc at for this tho
late but really enjoying this so far.
also the atmosphere/music is incredible. the main menu theme and this
one of my favorite pieces of music i've heard in gaming
The amount of s*** you can do in this game to make yourself more op is amazing, loving this
The general reception to this game seems get better with every month that passes since it’s release. I may have to move it up on my backlog list
The general reception to this game seems get better with every month that passes since it’s release. I may have to move it up on my backlog list
I downloaded the demo when it first dropped and wasn't into it but Im giving it another go and am loving it. Im def going to cop with it's $45 again on the PS Store.
This game is insane. Worthy of being a soulsborne game, was surprised to see that it isnt
This game is insane. Worthy of being a soulsborne game, was surprised to see that it isnt
I thought it was really good, curious to see what the studio do in the future
Finally beat the demo and will definitely buy it at some point (though the upgrade system doesn't make sense to me yet).
Embarrassed to say I slept on this game, I’m about 20 hours in and this is literally a top tier from soft game, I can’t believe it. Fromsoft should just hire these mfs
I need to go back and actually beat this. I only fought the first few bosses but it was solid.
It would've been my GoTY too (had I actually played it in '23 and Midnight Suns in '22).
Im in the last third and minor quibbles aside (the spirts and cubes), it's just perfectly executed. The design/art direction is on par with From Software's work which is usually one of the areas where Souls-likes falter. The DLC is supposed to come out in the second half of this year so Im betting we get DLC trailer at the Summer Games Fest.