  • Aug 3, 2020

    the "higher power" that we can't understand but i just dont think its something at all similar to god in the way that most religions view it, so i hesitate to call it god

    Fair enough, in my opinion god is the simplest answer tho. I feel like the way the laws are set up, it’s obvious that they were put in place deliberately, or by design

  • Aug 3, 2020
    1 reply
    i sip poison

    It’s not laws like they make at a courthouse . What are u dumb ? Laws are human made that just explains how nature works .

    And I’m asking you, why does nature work in that way? How did the speed of light, gravity, the laws of physics, etc come into existence if nothing can come from nothing?

  • Aug 3, 2020

    Everything we know about digital communication and software points to design in livings things. DNA is literally a digital communications system.


    To address the idea that designs could have been created by natural laws, let’s talk about natural patterns vs. designs.

    There’s a lot of beautiful, complex patterns created by the laws of nature. Take tornadoes and hurricanes. If you take hot air + cold air + moisture + time, you will get a tornado/hurricane. God did not have to say “let there be a hurricane.” Same thing with snowflakes. Water + cold air + gravity + wind + time will give you snowflakes. Nobody had to design it. Natural patterns are simply matter and energy, they’re produced by chaos, and require no thought.

    Now let’s talk about something else in the world, let’s talk about designs.

    Designs are always represented symbolically. Take music, for example. You have sheet music on paper, that’s a symbolic representation of music, which corresponds to what you hear. It exists in two forms, in symbolic form as notes on paper, and also as audio, vibrations in the air. They’re in different forms, but equivalent.

    Microsoft Windows. You have the 1s and 0s that represent what you see on the screen. Then you have the actual windows you can see on your computer.

    Here’s what I want to illustrate for y’all.

    On the right, we have information. Music. A map of Washington DC. Chinese. On the left, we have natural patterns. In the world of patterns there’s never an exact copy.

    On the right, all information is based on language. To have information, you need matter + energy + will. Somebody has to decide to create information. An interesting thing about information - you can have exact copies of it.

    You could print out my post here on KTT, read it out loud, email it to someone. The message never changes, it’s separate from the media it comes in. That’s what information is. And it always requires thought.

    So the question becomes, can patterns turn into designs? Absolutely not.

    You can’t derive the genetic code from the laws of physics. DNA is literally a language and code, according to biology. A, C, G, and T, that’s a 4-letter alphabet. A DNA molecule symbolically represents something other than itself. It takes 3 billion letters to represent an exact copy of YOU. It’s actually very comparable to English and other human languages in the way it’s structured.

  • Aug 3, 2020

    Nothing in the purely physical world creates plans, instructions, codes or symbols.

    “Information is information, not matter or energy. No materialism which does not admit this can survive at the present day.”

    • Norbert Weiner, MIT Mathematician and father of cybernetics

    ^This takes the idea of materialism completely out of the game.

    I could go in way deeper, and I expect to get into that if anyone wants to challenge these claims, but let me fast forward to the final point.

    Here’s the proof that life was designed.

    1. DNA is a code
    2. All codes we know the origin of are designed
    3. Therefore DNA is designed.

    Let me qualify the word “proof.” This is a inductive inference. It’s proof to the extent that science can prove anything.

    We have 100% inference that DNA is designed and 0% inference that it is not. Science can only make probabilistic statements. I drop an apple from the balcony and it falls at this same speed every time, I repeat it over and over again, and if I do it again I’ll get the same result. Can you prove DEDUCTIVELY you’ll get the same result again, no you cannot.

    By the exact same reasoning, we can prove, by inference, life is designed.

    Now, whether that life was designed by aliens, humans, god, or an undiscovered law of physics, that’s a separate topic. I can’t prove it was the God from the Bible or any other creator. We can’t prove the identity of the designer. But we can prove with 100% certainty it was an intelligent mind.

    We can absolutely rule out that life is a “product of chance.” Science is generally defined as “the systematic discovery of laws.” I do an experiment, I get a result, and I presume underlying order so I can have a repeatable pattern. Science by definition has to be systematic. This explanation of “oh it just happened….” Oh really? How will you reproduce that? “Oh unfortunately we can’t.”

    Let’s say it’s an undiscovered natural law of physics that created life. That’s a perfectly legit position to take. But first you have to discover a naturally occurring code. Then you can come up with a hypothesis around that. Until then I’m sticking with the inference that all codes are produced by intelligent minds.

  • Aug 3, 2020
    1 reply

    damn that’s krazy Alexa play Kid Cudi - By Design ft. 3 Stax

  • Aug 3, 2020

    mans made a thread about detroit rap then questioned everything

    man you made me laugh aloud so hard rn

  • Aug 3, 2020

    damn that’s krazy Alexa play Kid Cudi - By Design ft. 3 Stax

  • Aug 3, 2020

    mans made a thread about detroit rap then questioned everything

    LMAOOO crying

  • Aug 3, 2020

    And I’m asking you, why does nature work in that way? How did the speed of light, gravity, the laws of physics, etc come into existence if nothing can come from nothing?

    Bcuz life is designed . Dese are perfect conditions

  • Hi-C 🦌
    Aug 3, 2020

    OPs name is unplugged because we clearly in the Matrix and he’s Morpheous

  • Aug 3, 2020

    mans made a thread about detroit rap then questioned everything

  • Aug 3, 2020

    Lol way to ignore all the completely useless s*** our bodies have

  • Aug 3, 2020

    I know my purpose
    European car, it came with curtains
    I have a daughter, I'm buying her baby Birkin
    F***ed her good and got her legs hurtin'
    Found our wave and got them Ms early
    Southside nigga from the dirty-dirty
    Paranoid, I keep a loaded .30
    To count the funds up we don't gotta worry

    The daughter line then the f***ed her good line follow each other consecutively

    That's just bad song writing

  • Aug 3, 2020


  • sace

    username: unplugged

    hence he is unplugged from the matrix

    first thought as i decided to click this thread

  • Aug 4, 2020

    username: unplugged

    hence he is unplugged from the matrix