I’m already dead but i’m coming back to life soon i have a feeling things are going to be just fine if i stop acting like a b****, a change in mindset is going to make a change in your life
I’m already dead but i’m coming back to life soon i have a feeling things are going to be just fine if i stop acting like a b****, a change in mindset is going to make a change in your life
its ite
I am not suicidal but last tlme I tried and failed it sucked so dont do it @everybody
I am not suicidal but last tlme I tried and failed it sucked so dont do it @everybody
did u see anything or was it all black?
Real talk, if life sucks the only good advice i can give you is to figure out why it sucks and do what you need to make things better, we don’t know ur situation so we can’t help more than just guessing what’s wrong, but i promise things get better if you actually try to grasp for happiness
not op